Sunday, August 15, 2004

- Typical Sunday~ -

its a typical sunday~ or shall i say boring?? hmm.. woke up at 2 plus in the afternoon, didnt hear my alarm clock blasting... think i'm too tired, cuz yesterday night i sang again, but this time online!! yahoo messenger has some preset chatrooms, some are ktv chatrooms, so u can go in queue and sing!! quite cool huh~ free of charge !~ hahaa but only bad thing is the stupid irritating messages that u will get... arent those guys too desperate for "s*x"?

and today i didnt do much just mingle ard at home, walk ard freely for nutting haha. watched some shows on tv and now~~~ i am planning to start playing pokemon yellow version again !!! heheehehe

oh ya remembered tat i saw my friend meitian playing with her new tamagochi, so cute~~ i swear that i will get one when i start working XD !!

hahaa and also will join my friends in jazz dance when i can.., so envious of them now

think i'm really down in luck .. for almost from may.. went to so many stupid interviews and met many ridiculous pple.. haiz sometimes i will feel that is it i am not good enough?? i dont get the jobs... then will be depressed.. cuz my mum keep thinking i am lazing at home doing nothing... and not wanting to work.. but if i started to work for 2 or 3 months sales girl or what.. it is hard to bounce back to designer job right.. how to bluff in an interview???

i think i should go to the temple to bai bai liao.. change a little luck.. or maybe i should go to suan4 ming4 算命??

糖果亂言 Rantings 10:48:00 pm

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born: 1984年9月15日
location: Singapore新加坡

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pastEntries 舊文章_________
8HRS @ KBOX aug 13th XD
KTV tonite!!!! so excited!!
Yesterday's interview....
Think i'm a little addicted to blogging....~
editing for the blog done le!! yeah~
I messed things up............
Lee Wei Song School of Music [ LWSSCM ]

archives 檔案庫____________
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