- i am on MTV Live with A Mei @ victoria theatre -
LOL nv thought that i would be in the gallery of artiste's events hahahahaaa
when i saw myself i was like wahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa non stop
see amei?? so pretty that day, i think guys sure all droolss, hehe the songs that night was short and sweet lah. more soothing performance~. for...hmmm.... i was viewing the gallery at mtv asia link.. and see amei so pretty i click click click next, then i saw myself. lol dunno wat to say sianzz, i'm on international webbie gallery haaaaaaaaa
see this?? when i see this i was like oh, a shot of the audience with me in it~ then i continue looking thru amei in all positions then i come across...another super one..

a few fans with me in the middle in focus with mouth open wide shouting "A MEI A MEI!" OH well.. cool right. i'm..here ya~ 真不知道該說什麼 有點丟臉耶...嗯阿.....
and oh well?? i guess when u see the telecast on mtv channel, u will see me a lot too...dont get pissed off, cuz i am just in the front row. easy to shoot me too. as i have that amei board in my hands wahahaha...
You can catch MTV Live with A*Mei on MTV Southeast Asia at the following times:
Tuesday, January 18, 1630 hr
Saturday, January 22, 1800 hr
Friday, January 28, 1630 hr