Friday, July 08, 2005

- my one hour in orchard -

i was too bored instead of just taking bus home! i walked to heeren for a short window shop!

guess wad i saw??
this was in the train before i reach somerset..the ad on the seats~~ are odd even odd even. but all the people on the row opposite me were all not sitting on the ad then from my view it looks damn funny! hahah

this is at somerset mrt. the tunnel to the the whole wall is the advertisement for charlie and the chocolate factory!!!! its like we all walking in fantasy!!! so i stand still to take a picture & everyone looked at me = ="

fantastic 4!! at the junction between heeren and california fitness center there. the 4 corners had big figures of fantastic 4 characters keke i was a little excited when i see them. =P
keke actually all i did was looking at accessories!! long time nv buy..i got that punkster looking black band at the shop that sells all sorts of leather bangle~~ haha this one not cheap also but i like 5 bucks ya
the pink beaded bangle i saw daphne wearing in her blog photos so gorgeous!! i got one pink de. plannin to get another color hmm..still thinking which color to get? maybe... black/orange/ green/ yellow??

糖果亂言 Rantings 9:05:00 am

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