Sunday, October 17, 2004

- sky captain and the world of tomorrow -

i went to watch sky captain alone wor~ cuz qq cant make it to movie tonight and i dont wanna go far away to watch movie, so i decided to watch alone! hehehe, cuz the other shows.. those nice shows like shark's tale all that haven show yet, mus catch up with the current shows first ma hehe

anyway, sky captain and the world of tomorrow is a nice show, even though i think 80% are computer graphics. i needed some action and excitement to wake me up, boost energy so went to watch some action drama show woohoo! and its really quite exciting, all the machines bombing and smashing and walking around, flying shooting! all u name it~ then i think till a part they went to nepal or some place, then looks like jurassic park =_= with those dinosaurs hahaha buay ta han lar, all creatures!

so i had a wonderful evening by myself, and after the show i went to supermarket to get bread, cheese, ham, and ayam brand salmon spread! cool! next week's lunch leh, spend ard 8 bucks for those,hope its gonna be a thrifty week! perserverance *-*

糖果亂言 Rantings 11:09:00 pm

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born: 1984年9月15日
location: Singapore新加坡

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Last week's nightmare. but its over.
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sleeping siao char bo..
NYP interview~( forgotten to add this)
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