- Layers of me =) -
Layer One: On the OutsideName: wu yuhua candy
Nicknames: 糖果,糖狗,娃娃(華華in cantonese),can can,jade wu,jade flower..
Birthday: 15 september 1984
Birthplace: singapore
Eye colour: dark brown
Hair colour: kinda brown in natural
Height: 1.55m
Righty or lefty: righty
Religion: -
Sex: female
Layer Two: In the InsideYour heritage: singapore, china(shanghai)
Who do you look like: my brother
Your weakness: cant keep my mouth shut, v loud kinda person
Your fears: lonely, pple talkin bad behind my back
Your perfect pizza: hawaiian!!
Goal you’d like to achieve: earn money now and completing grade 8 in piano.
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today & TomorrowYour most over-used phrase on MSN: hahaaaaa, haaaa, kekekz, haiz, oooo, 881
Your thoughts first waking up: i wan time to stop now
Your best physical feature: my lips
Your bedtime: 1 to 7.30
Your most missed memory: childhood days and the day amei put her hand over my shoulder
Layer Four: Your PickPepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or Burger King: BK
Single or Group Dates: single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas!!!
Chocolate or Vanilla: both can or not
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino
Layer Five: Do You?Smoke: nope
Curse: when i bad mood la
Sing: Love it!
Think you’ve been in love: yea
Want to get married: maybe
Believe in yourself: no
Motion sickness: yup
Think you’re attractive: eh...no
Think you’re a health freak: of cuz not
Get along with your parents: eh...okok la
Like thunderstorms: sometimes
Play an instrument: piano(still learning)
Layer Six: Have You EverSmoked: no
Done a drug: no
Gone to the mall: of cuz la
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: wa...no leh.
Eaten sushi: wa of cuz la!! my fav leh
Been on stage: many times..
Gone skating: ya...but i hate it
Gone skinny dipping: wad it this..no ba..
Stolen anything: yea..some stationary(young days gotta be havoc)
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Definitely NOT
Been caught ‘doing something’: do wad leh....
Been called a tease: nope
Gotten beat up: no! i hope this wont happen too
Shoplifted: i tot this is the same as stolen something?
Layer Seven: Getting OlderAge you hope to be married: maybe 27-29
Number and names of children: if i wan i want 2. girl: Cody / boy: haven think of
Describe your dream wedding: in a big big ballroom full of flowers and me and my hubby walk up to the stage and sing a song!
How do you want to die: during my sleep..
What do you want to be when you grow up: a traveller, a singer or a rich tai tai
What country would you most like to visit: taiwan, hongkong, japan, thailand, paris, Las Vegas
Layer Eight: In a PartnerBest eye colour: brown
Best hair color: black or brown hues
Short or long hair: eh.. nice can liaoz
Height: at least 170
Best articles of clothing: haha those uniform one v handsome, or those street styles also v cool!
Layer Nine: In the NumbersNumber of drugs taken illegally: 0
Number of CDs that you own: a lot leh. nv count..100?
Number of piercings: 0(i want to pierce ears soon)
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: 0 ba.. once ba maybe when i die haha my name will appear in obtuinary<-- dunno how to spell
took from