- concert by the bay/mud -
i didnt enjoy myself that night. 8th aug.
it was terrible. terribly terrible
the stage was too far..i was in first row but still...u know too far.. and it rained in that morning...so the field was well.........muddilicious. = = and i think the field cant dry because...they spread plastic sheets over the grass..for us to walk..in the end we were virtually walking on water bed..beneath were all watery grounds... bouncy bouncy...yucks. sucks la.. my shoes................became black..brown..saddzzz...
that day lucky my friend saw singnet homepage..download a wallpaper then can go to the special section..heng ar...then we can enter that area in front..lucky..first row..cuz not much pple.
i wan say the management for the carnival might be good. but the transportation.......... seems to be (cursing us to be stuck there forever)... the block taxis from coming in.. can only take that bus out..with more than 10000sss of people there.. a few buses..not enough la!!! must squeeze up then later take train..its like human become cars..got jam at the whole mrt area...then we walk to mrt..took us more than 30 mins!!! and it was pitch black..after midnight countdown..scary 7th month leh..then like those bio zombies come alive cuz got thousands of pple walking..in the dark...then we reach mrt also cannot take..see people faintszzz.. so we decided to walk out take cab..at that time my legs not mine..never had i feel so painful at the legs before...must be the mud soke spoil my legs...so damp damp damn... then walk outside snatch cabbie with others..sianz right..worst concert experience i had..
cuz too far from stage..not much interaction with the singers..then up there too bright..they cant see us.= = wave also no use..haizz but my ming dao still so cute as ever..i think he quite old liao right..- -''' maybe 25 above.. and FIR rocks..but the whole crowd mostly came for....K ONE. = =''' bad bad bad qiao jie li world...all ginas..sianz so we siam after fireworks...the only thing worth it was the fireworks!!!!!! 15 min!! damn nice wor..
i got video..but i talk too loud so not gg to post. keke.z..
see some photos..

my camera more for taking pics in the day.. so this looks better... can see stage.. i was this far...

chinese orchestra rehersal...

see this sperm like thingy? these are the electronic kite la..they control it fly flyl...

i took the audience from my side..heehee

if you can guess correctly who is this i treat u dinner hahaha.... cuz camera cannot take too much light the stage..u know it sure bright..so come out also like this.. its zhou chong qing la..i using him as testing testing...
yeah tts about it.... my lousy day there..