Tuesday, November 08, 2005
- 一一''' -
i am so unhappy now cuz the holidays has ended.
how can the holidays end????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why am i still here! booooooooooooooooooooo i wanna a long break... but cant. why being human beings is so sian neh....haiz i just want a simple life where there are no worries wad so ever. haa...fat dream........big fat dream..i'll just dream on manz. i just hope my parents strike some lottery then i'll just stop workin after this. - -''' fat dream. then i'll just go for holidays forever. how useless a person can be. yeah tts me. aiksssssssss ai~~~~~~~~~ lalalalaalalalalalaa some one pls entertain me now. work is damn fucking boring i wanna go home =~~~~~~( sob...............

糖果亂言 Rantings 2:54:00 pm