Sunday, November 28, 2004
- my very very very happy weekends -
hmmm.. it has been quite some time since i blog i mean in words hor? hhehe i bet all of u miss my blogging(<--- wahaha)..hehe been busy working and playing i guess and damn lazy to blog so i will now blog about the big happenings i wanna share~ on
21st november sunday:

today i went to downtown east at pasir ris early early in the morning with 2 of my ameibuddies. we met at jurong east mrt first then made our long mrt journey trip ard 10 am in the morning..hahaa cuz long time no see so u know~~~~need to chat chat ma! hahaa then hor we reach ard like before 11 lol weird that nobody was late hahaa even i was early in the meeting. so the 3 of us yingxue and bernett and me , we went mac eat breakfast haha i ate big breakfast so after that shop awhile ard white sands hehe but since bernett is there guy and girls after so many times of trying to shop together. i conclude that the different sexes really hard to shop together, anyway that day i dont have mood to shop wor hahahahahahaa cuz in the afternoon got to meet my sister amei ma hahaha so, we proceded to downtown east and reach there like before 1pm. the event autograph singing session was like starting at 4pm. its considered late to go ard 1 la ba we know its ok la..cuz others even later...!
ok once we reach there, we saw some amei banners ard the place, then finally saw the event venue ground! its a white tent to contain us inside and also the stage and AMEI! haha i pasted the photos up there right?? can see amei so pretty that day i love her Anna Sui top loh hahaa so nice...( me got to work super hard to slim down so can wear like her =P) so we waited for amei, during waiting, our other buddies came and we gathered as usual in the front side and we were powerful hahaa little pple with 1000% strength loh so loud hahaha but this time a lot of aunties and even old ah ma also came as one of my friend say 一老還有一老老 hahaaa but i bought the album on the spot la cuz i haven buy the singapore version yet loh only got the taiwan version where my friend from taiwan bought and send to me even got autograph hahahaa~ on the spot buy i got this super huge poster which is the amei taiwan "ambassorder" dunno how to spell la but its the one i like a lot hehehehe amei so pretty~~ then quite worth it cuz still got this taiwan tour package lucky draw if u buy that day, the results haven out yet i think after this end of the month la~~ hope i get it so i will fly away and not be back ahhahaa~~~~, anyway AMEI finally arrived at ard 5 pm and 933 DJ zhiyong was the host~ not bad la~ amei sang the 4 songs 愛是唯一, 火, 也許明天, 娜魯灣情歌, as planned but due to all our warm encore-ing and shouting and begging, she sang another song of our choice which is 你好不好 <-- my fave lehh so when she sang i was mesmorized cuz amei's live perfomance....listen liao will very 感動 ya! so we all sang along every song even the pple behind i guess hahaa, then one of our group member he asked amei for the bottle of mineral water she drank haah and amei gave it to him LOL wahaha (he brought home and dunno wat to do with it cuz theres no label nothing just a bottle of water amei drank before lol) then time for autograph session la, so we all took our stuff and got ready for "war" hahaa, this time we all got our first individual 合照 with amei but mine turns out like shit cuz i look so ugly and amei didnt smile hahaa didnt catch the perfect moment but i am still very proud of it, i was in the last few to went up cuz zhiyong says we must 墊底 (support the base) hahaa so he address us as the super fans of amei so funny, when he say every body look at us wearing red somemore lol, oh ya and my buddies they all comment that i keep wearing the same top when i come see amei ,,, haha i think i got to buy new red tops le~~ will do that when i go JB on the 4th~ cuz amei coming again in dec 11th or 12th for a MTV exclusive showcase concert at victoria theatre hehee so happie again! ok back to the autograph thingy, so its like i have so much things to tell amei, butttt i was like holding camera album plus another board thingy so busy when i reach amei;s table, she was the one that requested to shake hands with me hahahaa so i shake with her and take foto and got signature. done! but i still happie la haha cuz see her many times le, she still same. dont have those fake face fake smiles, shes real~ love that side of her.guess wat?? at the end of the thing we got to rush down to jurong east sports complex to see the channel 8 charity show, amei was one of the guests so we need to support her there,~ thank god some of our buddies got the tickets from warnermusic sg, thanks to peifen(warner staff) she helped us a lot and gave me this little amei stand up board can put on table hehe naruwan taiwan! so its rushed we need to take cabby.. remember i said about the amei banners and stuff~~?? we went to ask the pple to give us.. beg and thank them and apple polish them in the end!!!! i got it leh! my buddies give me this chance and the other banner goes to wenting. cuz left the four of us, wenting, yingxue, teck and me, so the next time got this will give to yingxue and teck i promise! as u see that big big amei naruwan taiwan 人型看板 is in my room sitting nicely now!!! everyday see amei hahaa so big just behind my bed. but we had a hard time getting it in the cab, and the cab uncle also, he so so so so helpful, haha we need to put it inside the cab diagonally and some of us cannot sit properly uncle also cant see the rear mirror view but he dont mind, haha we keep laughing at our positions~so fun!cab reach my house
糖果亂言 Rantings 8:27:00 pm
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
- pizza -
should i create a series of these illustrations? so cool
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:15:00 pm
Friday, November 05, 2004
- did this on a friday -

rashberry ice cream cone
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:17:00 pm