Tuesday, January 25, 2005
- weekend fever -
went to kbox jurong east after work on sat with a few colleagues mostly are hmm...attachment students. heehee. then after that we went to arcade to play...and we got addicted to a machine. the music dunno wat, got nine colored buttons to hit at rythmn. heehee cool keep playing and playing till at night..then eat then play again...real tiring day sia...very fun..........
then sunday wake up darn early in the morning went to meet lixuan and shunling at kranji and off we went to take bus to JB. reached sg custom at ard 10? quite cool, not much pple hahahah, very good. no need queue so long. then later reach JB custom heeheee..no need queue so long too. not much pple.. cool...reached city square at 10.30pm..then we went to find the cinema straight away. cuz we planning to watch elektra haha, ok la then we got the tix for 11.30 show. then we went to hunt for food. hur hur, i ate viking hot dog. then after eating we were a little late for the show but ok la, watched le i find its nice movie, action filled with some emotional touch to it too. then after that we can actually shop for clothes shoes bags accessories till ard 5 then we went to a very nicely designed and decored japanese restaurant NIPPON or something. i had my usual katsu curry rice heehee nice but too sweet. i want to try ten don next time. then after eating we walked ard and buy buy buy till ard 8pm...can imagine my legs... i got a new bag/sweater/gloomy bear card holder/shoes/sunglasses/bra set for myself and then a pair of white pointed slip on shoes for my mom and also a baseball cap/a waist pouch and t shirt for my brother.....spent all my 150 ! yay~haha happy to shop there...nice and fun
wat a super duper tiring weekend to think that on hari raya haji i went to shop from evening. i didnt rest !!! i need to rest!
糖果亂言 Rantings 2:47:00 pm
Saturday, January 22, 2005
- shopping + 美容大王 -
yesterday initially only wanted to collect my book at kino de. then after shoppin a while at kino, i went to zara. very ex wor...cuz i decided to buy a pair of expensive jeans. hahaaa so i wanna go zara mango and topshop. and of cuz my fave boutique ebase la. i went to all, tried on some clothes, i bought a men's tee at samuel and kevin heehee i liek to buy men tee cuz the design very vintage and grunge then i get small size look like girls tee liao. then i bought a pair of jeans at topshop cuz gt a section 40% off, then got many jeans then i tried tried tried. woo tired sia tried till 10pm lol, then i got a pair at 56 bucks, a bit sim tia...lol
i also bought printer ink and went down taka basement bought a sandwich to eat.. then i saw this new shop there...the brownie factory..cant resist so bought 2 brownies home haha but i didnt eat la, intentionally for my mom and bro. so they ate. and said nice.
2.60 for a small piece. so ex. and all diff prices so many hard to choose.
美容大王 inside ar.. the book quite cool lo got the picture of the stuff she uses. and also i haven got to read all, jus read 2 pages only haha jus bought ma...and i really find it v scary.....how can sell so good one???? cannot find that book on shelves one leh..and taiwan i heard also out of stock de..need to republish again and again...so scary... the book says 150 000....wow...bestseller leh... yesterday watched 百分百, 小S also said she in bestseller 4th on the list and dunno wat 7th on the list, then she so proud of her sis. lol haaa then very weird..i go collect my book at the counter..after collectin i didnt pay immediately ma,... i still walk ard to seee seee....then while holding the book ma...everybody keep staring at my book............like its a possession like that or treasure..so scary hahahaaaaaaaa.....大S too 厲害 liao...
Ps. i love my jeans even though my mom says it is so normal.
糖果亂言 Rantings 10:27:00 am
Friday, January 21, 2005
- dee daaa deee -
quite excited today though, i gonna go get my Da S 美容大王 book and also tmr after work will be gg ktv till 7pm with colleagues mostly attachment students. lol heeeeeeeee and sunday going JB shopping..ohmy...so so so so so so tiring..sounds very tiring...haiyo..but very fun leh..how ar....ar......( as i typing this mom moping floor beside me lol)
shiok that today is public holiday heeeee stay at home can rot and rest. but got to take some time go kino get the boook~ heeheeee.
PS. i dreamt of AMEI last night. she chatted with all of us, and i was sitting beside her. haha just a dream but i really chatted with her b4, quite cool. ciao
糖果亂言 Rantings 1:44:00 pm
- simply white -
been using simply white for ard 2 weeks liao. gonna be end of it soon. i find that its quite useful if u follow instructions. cuz mine sometimes i got no time in the morning to do it.but the results is whiter teeth but still not so white la..hahaha cuz my mom see le still shake head..say nothing can cure liao........lol hope it wont look like last time the very very yellow teeth. bleh.
糖果亂言 Rantings 1:39:00 pm
Thursday, January 13, 2005
- my hair -
i am going to keep my hair long. i am going to keep my hair long.
hair dresser Michelle at Haru scene, gave me a lot of advice on my hair. i think i will listen to her. after following her instructions by blowing dry my hair thoroughly after washing , really !! it works! i have lesser bad hair days!, its cool man~ my hair more ting1 hua4 liao haha~ good. if i wanna rebond also got to wait for it to grow longer then nice. i myself also know i cannot cut shorter hairstyles. face too big and round. cannot make it la.
i think michelle is real pro. if u people wanna get a haircut, can try her~ Michelle @ haru scene, @ far east plaza level one. need bookings to cut hair wor~ remember ar~
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:31:00 am
- 彈水阿給 crazy arcade -
been playing a lot of this game recently.
its bomberman~ but taiwan popular, and in chinese, and the characters are cute, during the game u can earn money and buy the nice backgrounds and expressions. i love the one that can dance hawaii dance hahaa cutee!
i introduced to my colleagues here lo..then sometimes after work will play till ard 8pm and also saturdays till 4pm in office..LOL cool right.
then laff our hearts out.! heeee
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:26:00 am
Monday, January 10, 2005
- NYP or ASKnLearn -
this has been bothering me for a week liao.. really have no idea wat i should do... should i quit this job here and go to join NYP? i need to think man... NYP is so far. it takes like 1h15min to travel there and 1h15min back. so 3 hours + the 10 hours of work. one day i will spend 13 hours outside. and i have to wear formal there. but the good point is..it will be a very good piece on my resume and portfolio...rather than the work here in asknlearn will get me nowhere..
i will get higher pay, 1700 if the same as meitian. in NYP rather than the pay increment here will get me no higher than 1500. after cpf 1360 for nyp, 1200 for anl.
my colleague ask me to count by perhour rate including travellin time. where is higher.
i anyhow calculated..ard 30 cents difference. of coz is NYP higher pay lo..i go where ever..the money wise is the same. cuz nyp there transport double. so almost same la.
but the issue is whether i want to go to a new environment when i am so close to my colleagues now in ANL(asknlearn) ?? i am scared i cannot do wat nyp expect me to do. and wat if i go there i face a lot of stress?? by then i cannot back off~ cuz the one yr contract will bring me down. and should i face some bad stupid idiotic pple in my department then i gonna faint. i got along so well with my colleagues here now..really cannot bare to leave them..one of the closer ones says that she will leave when i leave also..cuz we all just grad wont stay in a place for too long.
every end of month the whole company will go and eat buffet or have some celebration of some sort like they will go bowling pool or ktv. like end of this month will go to makan with them at pan pacific hotel dinner buffet! super cool!.... then everyday we will all go to lunch together. and everyday we will chitchat will about 2 pm during lunch..always laugh my heads off. there are unlimited supply of food the cleaner auntie will buy every now and then and my colleague will make sandwiches everyday....we all OT late into the night will start blasting music and talkin out loud really fun.... work u dunno u can ask them to help u....and also........we love to play online games after 6pm or on saturdays after 1pm then very shiok like bomber man and they play worms..during worktime sometimes we play daidee big2 lol.... lol...so many memories..i guess i will surely cry when i am going to leave this place..cuz i know i will nv be let back here anymore..
i still duno wat should i do..i need a decision by today need to email NYP....asap.. friends here or reputation in work more important. time or money more important. i am lost...
糖果亂言 Rantings 9:56:00 am
Friday, January 07, 2005
- i am on MTV Live with A Mei @ victoria theatre -
LOL nv thought that i would be in the gallery of artiste's events hahahahaaa
when i saw myself i was like wahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa non stop
see amei?? so pretty that day, i think guys sure all droolss, hehe the songs that night was short and sweet lah. more soothing performance~. for...hmmm.... i was viewing the gallery at mtv asia link.. and see amei so pretty i click click click next, then i saw myself. lol dunno wat to say sianzz, i'm on international webbie gallery haaaaaaaaa
see this?? when i see this i was like oh, a shot of the audience with me in it~ then i continue looking thru amei in all positions then i come across...another super one..

a few fans with me in the middle in focus with mouth open wide shouting "A MEI A MEI!" OH well.. cool right. i'm..here ya~ 真不知道該說什麼 有點丟臉耶...嗯阿.....
and oh well?? i guess when u see the telecast on mtv channel, u will see me a lot too...dont get pissed off, cuz i am just in the front row. easy to shoot me too. as i have that amei board in my hands wahahaha...
You can catch MTV Live with A*Mei on MTV Southeast Asia at the following times:
Tuesday, January 18, 1630 hr
Saturday, January 22, 1800 hr
Friday, January 28, 1630 hr
糖果亂言 Rantings 10:46:00 am
Thursday, January 06, 2005
- just for laughs -
this is a singing competition in hongkong. some really laughed till i die hahahaa
勇氣100%(忍者亂太郎主題曲)<-- cute too hahaa kids are cute wat
我的驕傲 <-- cute leh
李香蘭<-- super like jacky cheung
others can explore yrself.~ heee
糖果亂言 Rantings 6:01:00 pm
- cooking maggie meee -
came across this korea game. hehe last time got other series . now have also but this is so fun!
hope u all can enjoy also. i think the highest i earned was 15000~! heeee
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:58:00 pm
- girl talk -
yesterday went to meet lixuan , ling, tziming after work. we all planned to cut hair de.. but the hairdresser at haru scene she very the busy so we got to split again~ we let lixuan and ling cut first, in the end their hairstyle are so woohoo! cool~ jap styles. and then i bought a gothic watch at 15 bucks like it v much~ hehe, after that we walk a bit then we sat at mac and chit chat.. then not enuff still go to the staircase there and chit chat hahahaa, chat about work, gossip and stuffs, we talked about going to JB for movie and shopping on 21st leh~ hari raya haji, hmm.. me gonna shop til nuts again! heeheeee. cool right
today me going gym after work again. hope all these helps and i guess it will be hard for me to get bottoms for this new year. i think i gained 4 kg (blurps Bleh Opppssss DIE LAH). want to jian fei still can get fat. no choice in this company theres nothing more than eating whole time ...eat and eat and eat.. end of this month having our usual monthly gathering. going to pan pacific this month ~! super dinner buffet heeeeeee. good. got discount too. cool heard theres sushi bar. how ar ! how to jian fei????
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:53:00 pm
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
- racing frogs -
been on this racing frogs thingy for a week.
not something really great cuz cannot see them race.(need join vip or wat)
but still seems that i am the owner of the frog. need to train and change its diet and it will go race itself and win gold. lol it will also email me, funny sia
i am in windymorelake-- hehe.
糖果亂言 Rantings 9:43:00 am
Monday, January 03, 2005
- New Year with New Look -
yoz friends, i have managed to find a cool skin that i like and integrated into my blog!! hehe i love it, my blog looks super cool now loh haaaaa only fault is the radio blog's width.. haiz.. bo bian leh.
and now they wont be comments. please leave comments in the tag board. thanks.
haven been updatin the blog cuz me super lazy of writing wat is happening everyday.
well i will just briefly update.
past few weeks, i have been out only to watch movies, watched kungfu, meet the fockers, national treasure, and i have been so pleased that all are nice :)
last sunday at 26th, i went to watch xiao zhu (羅志祥) at junction 8. oh man i didnt see the performance well as there were pple taller than me and i went late. but when i went up to get autograph,, oh man oh man, xiao zhu is very handsome....! very very loh... in love with him hahaha, feel like joining his fanclub, heard he will call his fans individually during each of their birthdays. its real. period.
christmas - i spend 24th happily with my colleagues during our halfday, we had a little party with turkey / pizza/ agar agar/ sandwiches and also we all sang christmas carols watching the OHP screen.. its a warm celebration. i got a pink japanese looking kaleidoscope 萬花筒 for the presents xchange hehe. i spend the night peacefully at home, but on 25th i went out with my mum and bro ard noon, ate at coffee club express cafe for christmas! hehe very nice the food.
new year - nothing much. cuz i decided to spend my holidays at home resting and enjoying shows i downloaded. i have been spending too much money in december and going out to buy things. need some time to rest too~ perfect timing = p
and past few weeks i have been popping my eyes, been watching naruto from 76- 115 liao so nice leh. will get addicted..some parts of the stories are actually touching.. talkin about friendship and stuff.. nice show.
oh and something else. met up with lixuan for a movie last week too. quite happy for her also.(those who know would have understand why i am happy for her) she seems happy. good for her. hehe and the bowl we bought at value $1 shop very nice to use. will buy more. cuz v cool lookin hehe.
and most importantly! happy 2005 pals!!
must go out someday to NYP ktv room. meitian book then we go gathering there ! hehehe free..
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:04:00 pm
- 2005年處女座運程 -
這一年處女座的運勢總體來看還不錯。此年你應把重心放在工作和學習上,不要想得過多,對於負面影響要以樂觀的心態去面對。只 要你把思想放開闊些,各方面都會有起色,收獲多多呢。另外呢,多參與集體活動,在與他人的交流互動中會讓你變得更為活躍。人脈的 暢通也能給你帶來好運氣呢。
這一年處女座的人愛情運挺旺的咧,常有桃花主動飛到身邊來,愛情就擺在你面前,能否把握就看你的決心了。單身人士在這一年時 常會有驚喜出現,有機會接觸到各種類型的異性,也有不少讓你心動的對象,想要抓住這麼好的緣分還得卸下你的防備之心,以免良好的 機會和大好姻緣會被lose掉哦。對於有伴侶的人士,別被身邊亂飛的桃花擾亂了心境,看好你的另一半,多進行心靈溝通才是重點哦 。
學業運不太穩定,有時好時壞的現象。在上學年宜加強耐性,上好每一堂課。帶著輕松愉悅的情緒投入學習,有時只要堅持一下就能 取得不錯的成績呢。有了前個學年的努力,下學年運勢將會不斷上升,只要不過分拘泥於小細節,在實際層面上會有不錯的成果。讓自己 更開朗一些,在默默努力的同時也別忘了與同學們互動哦
此年財運不太穩定,但進財機會還是有很多呢。在上半年錢財支出可能會較頻繁,多是因為工作的事而有較大的花費。可把一部分錢 花在拓展人脈上,這有利於爭取到更多的賺錢機會。下半年只要把握得好,會有各方面的進賬。宜多出入一些社交場合,在與他人的互動 中可以增進財氣,當然,還應注意別因為沖動投資而漏財。
事業運不太穩定,有時好時壞的現象。在上半年宜加強學習,讓專業技能得以提升。帶著輕松愉悅的情緒投入工作,有時只要堅持一 下就能有不錯的收獲呢。有了上半年的努力,後半年事業運將會不斷上升,真正把所學用於工作領域,在實際層面上會有不錯的成果。讓 自己更開朗一些,在默默努力的同時也要兼顧到人際的因素哦。
處女們此年的健康運很平順,沒有什麼大起大落。上半年健康狀況良好,睡眠充足會讓你每天都精神抖擻哦。盡量不要把當天的工作 帶回家,長此以往會讓你背負沉重的殼,對身心不利。當日事當日做,沒有心理負擔才健康。下半年宜注意一下飲食,不可過分挑剔喲, 多多補充五穀雜糧。營養均衡,會讓你臉蛋更紅潤,健康生活每一天。
這一年處女們的休閑運一般,不過,機會還是有很多的,就看你是否肯去抓住嘍。過於沉默,生活會顯得少了點色彩,有時間不妨多 去走親訪友,聊聊心情,談談家常,既能加深感情,又能放松身心。咖啡館、茶吧也是你休閑娛樂的好去處,遊遊公園、劃劃船都不錯。 就是一杯白開水,搬把椅子在柔柔的陽光下,啃一本休閑小書,也過得輕閑瀟灑。
此年處女們的旅遊運還是挺好的。對於你來說,有去旅行的打算就快快行動,左顧右盼的反而不能成行。顧慮太多往往會破壞了原來 的好心情,其實不就是旅遊嘛,背上背包、穿戴輕便的服裝,OK,可以出發了。簡簡單單一身輕,心情愉快地玩轉整個行程。嗯,最好 有個伴陪你同行,旅途會更愉快哦。
woo, cool ~~ love = ★★★★★ hahahaa
hope its true though
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:35:00 am