Thursday, April 28, 2005
- new day -
i wanna take half day sia.
but go home wad to tell my mom?
then go home sleep?
i just wanna go somewhere alone to think
just hope my mom and brother can just leave home for a day
and i can be alone at home
so is moving out better? but how can i live alone?
i like being alone at home.
have my own toliet own tv own computer own fridge.
then i can just shut myself in. hmm..
i'm in bad mood but i dunno wad is hanging in my mind, maybe steph is right.
PMS. period.
just not feeling good. but there is nothing wrong. weird lolll
maybe i should just take off and go town walk ard, san san xin~ hmm..good idea. but really wanna take leave ar..??
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:16:00 am
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
- eating snakes -
once i come here to work then i realise that the ways to eat snakes are so damn limited lolz.
i think last time i used to eat things at pantry there, go look for steph, go to room1, go to play games, blog, go to take letters with steph, go toliet, go to the hidden area to chat with anyone that wanna go, directly just talk in office with vin and jingli, walk around the level9, sleep, sing along with music.
now i can only go toliet, eat, go toliet, eat and go toliet again. and also blog. surf dunno wad net here when all sites are blocked. so..= ="
snakes are so delicious in anl. kekekez. there are no snakes in NYP!
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:29:00 pm
- TOP 10: Signs You're A Friend, Not A Boyfriend -
So you've managed to lure a hot lady into your personal breathing space. Does she want to get intimate? Or are you in a danger of having her sew a big scarlet "F" on your lapel -- for "friend?"
All men lament about being tossed into the "friends" category, but it happens even to the best of us occasionally. While there are ways to turn a friendship into something more, it's best to avoid the situation entirely.
If a woman signals you with any of these 10 deadly friendly indicators, you'd best cut and run!
Number 10
She's not on her toes around you
Where there's no tension, there's no romance. A woman who is trying to curry your favor will be intently interested in everything you say and do. In turn, this will lead to a certain amount of suspense. She'll be constantly wondering, "Does he like me?" and "What is he going to do next?" and her nerves will show themselves in her behavior. If she's perfectly at ease around you, that's not necessarily a good thing.
Next time you're at the bar with the object of your desire, pay close attention to her mannerisms. Is she showing some nervous excitement, or is she completely at ease? If she's not carefully choosing her words and showing positive body language toward you, like playing with her hair or fidgeting, don't count on having breakfast together!
Number 9
She doesn't laugh at your jokes
A sense of humor usually tops a woman's attraction wish list. The importance of making a woman laugh cannot be overstated. If she's not laughing, her panties aren't coming off, it's as simple as that. Those guys without a sense of humor aren't immune to this rule; if she really is interested romantically, she'll laugh at your jokes, even if they aren't funny.
Number 8
She brings up other women
When a single woman talks about your prospects with other females, she is shifting your attention away from herself and on to other hapless victims. This passing of the romantic buck can be inferred in phrases like: "A great guy like you can get anyone you want," and "I want to set you up with my good friend Janice."
If you're at a party chilling on the couch with your target and she leans in close only to ask, "She's cute isn't she?," chances are you're in friend-land.
Number 7
She won't bend to your will
When you hang out with her, do you always find yourself at women's clothing and shoe stores? Does she always insist on going to her favorite café? When was the last time she watched a Sylvester Stallone movie with you, or followed you to the car show? An interested woman will always seek out ways to please and at least cater to some of your manly interests.
Number 6
She uses the F-word
No, not the good F-word. The word she uses is much nastier: friends! If a woman addresses you with the word "friend," you are dead in the water! I actually get outright offended when a girl calls me her "friend." You never want to be friends with a girl you're attracted to.
Number 5
She stays away from you in public
If she isn't interested in you, she certainly doesn't want anyone to mistakenly think that she is. Accordingly, she will avoid being seen "coupled up" with you at classic date spots. If she rejects all your invitations to the coffee shop, the bar, dinner, and the movies, you're likely barking up the wrong tree.
Suppose you two go out to a nightspot and she systematically avoids being spotted by her friends. If she's in stealth-mode, it should tell you that she doesn't want her peers to think there's something going on between you.
Number 4
She asks for favors
Is she regularly asking far more of you than your time and attention? Maybe first she wants to raid your DVD collection. Then she wants to borrow your truck to move. Next she wants you to help her move. Ugh!
An interested lady will never ask you for favors or for you to perform menial tasks on her behalf. She'll be focused on one thing only, and that's winning your heart. Furthermore, doing favors for a girl in the hopes that she'll fall for you does not make you a nice guy. It makes you a sap.
Number 3
She brings a third wheel
This is a completely unfair trick that women will play if they either don't like you or aren't yet sure that they do. They'll invite a friend along to help size you up or to take the pressure off of her having to talk to you.
Say you make a date to meet a lovely young lady for a drink, and when you show up, there's another guy chatting with her. Or one of her girlfriends is there keeping her company. This is always a most unwelcome intrusion and a strong signal that you should get out of there. At worst, it could degenerate into a two-way conversation, with you as the odd man out!
As soon as you see that she's not alone, say that something came up and you need to cancel. There's nothing to regret about making this move -- you're not on a date if there's a third wheel!
Number 2
She doesn't lay a finger on you
It's long been known that an interested woman will brush her fingers against your arm, tickle you or lightly smack you. If none of this playful touching is taking place, it's because she wants to keep her distance.
Give her this casual touch test to see how she reacts: When you're walking down the street, bump her with your butt or lightly push her away from you and see how she reacts. The optimal response is for her to playfully push you back. If she ignores you, don't expect to be bumpin' with her in any other sense of the word.
Another test is to ask to see her fresh manicure, thereby getting a sneaky chance to grasp her hand for a moment. If she doesn't respond warmly to your touch, she's probably not interested in a steamy make out session.
Number 1
She gushes over other men
Isn't this an obvious sign? Yes, it is. But the capacity of the lonely male mind for denial is staggering. So this still needs to be said.
She may talk lovingly of an ex-boyfriend or giddily discuss another guy's attractive qualities. Maybe she's just always commenting on how hot the guys on TV are. If you sense that she's on the prowl, it should clue you in that the guy next to her -- you -- might not be the man of her dreams.
A woman smitten with you wouldn't blatantly scope out your competition!
Don’t waste your time
As men, we have a very limited amount of time in our busy days to dedicate to scoring women. And most of us already have enough friends. So if you run across any of these telltale signs, stop trying. You are wasting your valuable time. Find a girl who is interested.
---- Quoted from
real true leh, find this article v interested. decided to kapok and put in my blog.
hahaa steph, u email this to ed lah lolzzz
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:22:00 pm
- mm.. -
without a main topic to talk about here in this entry is a little boring, but the important issue about this entry is, i want a vacation v badly..those that can go further hongkong thailand taiwan japan .......
breaks are essential in life.
i hope i can rest for a year getting paid..hahahahaa sounds like only kena "bao yang" then got these kind of benefit coming up...lolz wad am i thinking. and wad i think working is better than studying..maybe because i am in design school? the life in design school is not imagineably bian tai !!! pervert one..working is better in better companies where u dont habe to slog like a slave.
but now i even get sick of working. why?? i don;t know..maybe its the place the people the feeling the routine the journey..
have a break have a kitkat.
love the phrase?? yeah. i need the meaning of it. maybe i shall go and buy a bar of chunky kitkat. yeah?
listening to 933 now.. wad she say is so true.
u always say u want to forget something. want to put down this "incident" push it to the back of your head, butt what happens daily, the things around you will remind you of the thing you wan to forget, let it be a song, a word, a book, anything~! so true.
yin yue ri ji is nice sometimes. v meaningful. and touching..
ok back on track. i might wanna talk about friendship now.
when you are so damn close with a group now. like wad i did with my previous groups, slowly in time the group will disperse. and whenever they ask me to go for a gathering or something. i feel really weird. like what is there to talk about anymore? its all kinda fake. like i'm gg there to act a show. i dont like this feeling..will hate myself for it. so now i got so real close to a bunch of real buddies. this feeling is i think the most strong bonded among to my other friends. i dont know why. this feeling of the group dispersing freaks me out. like what am i going to do without them? its kinda paranoid for me to talk about this now, but it do scares me. like how can this "situation" of us all being so ONZ last forever? i doubt it. but i think it can last quite long...if..iff....hmm..take a deeep breath and pray ba. nothing i can do but enjoy their company for the time being now. for few weeks more?? few months more? few years more? i dont know. i'll sing a prayer.
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:14:00 am
Friday, April 22, 2005
- i am getting better -
i am getting better ba.
legs are healing
cough healing
eyes healing
heart also healing
one of the dmd staff saw me and icq me said..
"ah girl ar, u become more lady-liked leh"
weena so funny sometimes.
so...whenever i wear skirt. pple will comment,
so i should wear more skirts issit.
i wear skirts nicer meh? i dunno,
maybe next time i go and shop for more skirts ba..
just feeling weird nia.
糖果亂言 Rantings 10:05:00 am
Thursday, April 21, 2005
- ANL gang NEOPRINT shooting coming up! -
coming up is the 1st session of
ALL in gang must attend or you will be eliminated hahahaaa!
(machiam singapore idol)
any outing anl gang host, you need to produce the relevant neoprint to enter. no neoprint no talk. so remember to make yourselves free for the next NEO-SHOOT.~
last reminder,
- PLEASE DO NOT LET EUGENE STAND IN FRONT - he takes up 50% of the space. kekekekez and
- DONT LET CORA AND EUGENE DRAW TOGETHER- the photos became havoc hahahaha
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:20:00 am
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
- memories -
hmm..i shall say this is a very touching post. it records all my wonderful times. i shall start with the earliest ba..

i did this from this URL
hehee look like them. mine is in my MSN avatar. kekekez

from left = jeffery ; shuling ; TK ; Yini
this is quite long liao le...last yr ard september to november liddat. 2 gers from Dover ITE 2 guys from NP attachments studentswas quite good with the girls and TK. heehee miss those times..too..still remember shuling love SLY~!
intro to the people from ANL~ (the sequence is random):
Special Edited Content
junyao & me
attachment student now become contract worker hahaa~~always helps me in anything. listen to my problem also. like my real brother liddat kekeke~~ even closer to him than my real brother lolz.and he thinks i put him in the top means hes the top hahaha sequence in random lah! haha but hes really a good listener too. haiz we all thru thick and thin de lah.. then became so close together the whole gang to JB-Malacca..real like family. muacks muacks everyone!
Special Edited Content
stephanie & me
almost become my sister. haha really best pal in ANL. i company her through her thick thins in life and she companies me thru mine too.. real nice to know her, no regrets. patient with my talkativeness and complainess, very caring friend..really lah become my sister liaoz kekeke.. see how cheeky we can get hahaha, me steph and junyao best gym buddies also la~, hopes she gets out of her current situation immediately! i want to see the happy and normal her!! love ya ~ muacks!
cora & me
DEAREST CORA~ kakaa dont angry lah not that i didnt wanna write anything about you. but just didnt have the right photo to trigger me = =" now i have it. lets see, cora is from hongkong, very cute very nice girl, always very great to hav her around in any outing any gathering, so cheerful~ my half sis also hahaa~ now then i realise we got the same parting at our hair lolz.. as you know also, we have all our own buddy system wahha, like sengkang buddy all that. but our bunch everyone are buddies but we are not really keen to be one with "hay" bwahaha. think of this also wanna laugh, we all are so keen to be buddy with cora, remember this ~ cora makes good chicken chop and "ai xin zao can" ok~! one day i shall try the ai xin zao can!
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eugene & me
this is a must keep phrase! -->
"he always says this phrase " HELLOooo~?" with the eugene look." hahaha.
he is our bouncer man ok~ dont pray pray with eugene, he is a good driver also lah but not at night. cuz ...quite fast hahaha and he also will help me in design stuffs k~ he loves to travel also. one month go once out of sg. super rich. hahaa cambodia he went to do CIP but should be a good experience. maybe we all should go?? muahaha
really nice to have eugene in our gang. bouncer protects us k~!
SPecial EDITED content
jacqueline & me
pretty girl~ very ONZ and tt time she kena bullied by those 2 keee siaoz dogs, disgusting pple, always bully my buddies. she left..earlier than me like a week..
then she went to SIA to work as a air stewardess!! heehee..~she looks like SIA de hor! so nice in kabaya~ the makeup sometimes v scary too hahaaa, but with kabaya it looks fine. then she got so many lobang once she became SIA~~ bras, LV, all that hahaa nice sis to have too! love ya~
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rachel & me
really like another big sister for me always peel prawns for me lau pat sat also help me Jb also help me, nice nice nice ..she just sent her resignation letter also..haiz DAMN that KS..bully my sister.. kill him kill him!! eeekss!!, rachel so pretty, so nice to us. such a nice person how to bully. haiz. dunno wad the mad dogs thinking...grrr...
SPecial EDITED content
hayden & me
man with many crappy words but real nice person too! chief organiser officer in our JB-Malacca trip. haha his jokes are real lame but farnie at times..~! buay tahan one. he sometimes lame till he also cannot stand himself and break out laughing. he is stephanie de papa~ protects steph, he wants to go around recruiting buddies but like to no avial leh, so sad one ar haha especially cora, he is last in cora's list! haha hay will always be hhll = horny hayden lusty lak. tts him

vincent & me
can say he is my senior haha also from dmd 2 years our senior. he and cora sengkang buddies haha. he rides in his bike go her eand there. but he is a road idiot..dunno the way one always get lost hahaha got map in his bag. always will help us buy this and that kinda gentleman ba. his gf japan airlines de mai siao siao haha~

cheesheng & me
sometimes weird sometimes not weird. but he is really good in programming.
always helps me in those also. haha

gerry & me
one hell of a cool guy, always wears this sunglasses and vest. he is man with many words but he is sometimes quite depressed..but he can really tell good jokes of what happened when he goes overseas like he went taiwan and hongkong before. real funny incidents he mentioned to us.

jiaqian & me
came with junyao from SP, he always jump here and there. good in guitar. sings high pitch hahaa, sometimes chat with him quite fun~

endra & me
from NTU, he is an indonesian chinese, sometimes we speak chinese i can sense him feel left out but he also v farnie, he even admitted he love porn and always surf hahahahahaa wanna laugh!

mingyong & me~
JC student waiting for A levels. she scholar sia. 4
nice girl very si wen very sweet. she left anl also like 2 weeks ago..sad..
SPecial EDITED content
jingli & me~
attachment student from TP, was quite close with her, went home with her cuz she lives just a busstop away from me. lolz she also very cheeky lah, always laugh at pple and always will say "chee sheng wo tao yao ni! tao yan ni!!" at first we really think she likes cs hahahaa farnie~ then she hates cow. and once said she was 100% niu slave. wanna bomb cow for her. and for ANL. :P

victor lee & me
he and yangling and yuk and jimmy in sales department.
but he in charge of the MOE projects hahaa sianz but his house..damn huge sia..we had great time there too~

yangling & me
she is my mummy in ANL very nice mama!!! makes bread for us everyday.
she has 3 boys herself. isnt it amazing ! look at her. so pretty and young and hot! hahaa she is 38 one lah but really nice person.

uncle yong & me
he is really one man i met that maintain the cuteness and niceness over the years. he is so nice that always smile. can u imagine he was a discipline master last time? hahaha he loves to eat organises all the makan makan sessions!

victor yuk & me
his baby just born not too long ago. can see he became happier now. but sometimes he talk v loud. hahaha sometimes u should see him bomb jimmy can laff till die.

weilin & me
this photo quite nice ar

Leo & me
he took over albert and become manager of my room. he just got married secretly lolz with a china girl that he just met not long ago. china pple all marry like this ar?? but he farnie sometimes cock all that. soccer very good.

mingchiang & me
juggler is his profession but he came here to earn experience in programming field. he is really good in his juggling always goes around with his balls and moth balls to juggle about. enjoyed his performance in office haha!

alex & me
he is new attachment from dover ite didnt know him too long. just that he took away place from junyao hahahaha then junyao condemn him. lolz.

visu & me
sit beside me. his lovers are orange and pink and purple sari hahaha, he is the programming system expert from india and he always laugh laugh laugh and say " ama ama" tamil means ya ya lolz farnie.

angelica & me
indonesian chinese also~ she is so adorable and cute sometimes, her expressions her behaviour, so innocent~! she will never bluff you one loh. any guy marry her will be so blissed! nice to everyone, i leave she also v sad..haiz, but i will remember you forever de angelica!

marte & me
one of the nowegians that joined us as attachment students. she hates me talking loudly i can sense it. they are really a mad bunch where they drink a lot of beer and smoke a lot lolz

auntie helen & me
very very nice auntie..she does the cleaning up during lunch time everyday. always come and chat with me. and she even bought a big big box of merci chocolate for me when i touched!! i still haven finish the choco. she always buy lotsa things for us to eat also..missed them

jingxuan & me
my supervisor, good one okay. i think she cant stand us liaoz haha we keep slacking. but she said we were fine people ok?! haha she is workaholic but she joined me and steph for shopping in JB once~! funz funz. u can never find supervisor that shops with ya.

alice & me
she is the clerk there. and she does a lot of worksheets haha
she treats us so well that when she tio 4D we got a treat during new year all the good stuffs!! big prawn meat sharks fin yusheng!!! miss alice also ...

yangling & mingyong on mingyong last day..~~

jiaqian & steph on JQ last day

junyao & rachel

vincent & mingyong.. looks like vin is going eat her up liddat haha

the pussy gang!

sengkang buddies!!! they v close~

this is long ago take de. yang ling me and steph!

jingxuan i think this looks so cool! yr pose is so nice

junyao and his best pose.

cute auntie helen. ( screams and say she very fat whenever u ask her take photo)

cheesheng in his tang chao or wad china costume during new year
can u imagine seeing him on a bus??

on the way to vic lee house. yangling side view. i love this photo.
so " yi shu"

xueyan!!!! too bad i didnt take photo with her..
from china, her bro is good friend of mr yee so she got a chance to work here.
she very shy but online she not shy liaoz hahaa

vincent advertisement for IPOD

enghua & visu
now edward took over enghua.. enghua was so good last time. soft spoken..good in this system management.. but the bosses keep scolding him..he left..

where we relax and have parties.


room 1

room 3(where i am in)

my table!

i took from the big window.. when the rain was so heavy. looks genting or when volcano erupts!

steph and me. i love this photo hahaa

soccer match day. guys waiting for their turn. right side is JY and hay doing a ad for 100 plus

lau pat sat trip!!! satay prawns stingray!! then ktv was hectic that night.

welcome to my wifes place bar !
see buddies photo haha!nice

christmas 2004
we sang ate turkey pizza drinks exchange presents!!! see the anl choir!!!

HCL party!! at haydens house. we drinka lot..... and play those chai quan game hahaa so cool!!!
i love all of u!!! No matter HCL party ART or makan makan!!!
糖果亂言 Rantings 12:29:00 pm