Friday, May 27, 2005
- funny videos! -
these are real funny~
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:56:00 pm
Thursday, May 26, 2005
- bad or good? -
A Mei is not gg to attend golden melody awards on sat le... the news only came today..haiz..i know it dont concern any of you, but it does affect a bit of my feelings. just how much she is going through..
reading the warnermusic amei forum..hmm....most of the people's opinion i think is correct...
東風把焦點模糊了。。。。 一開始猛打 那些無聊八卦新聞。。 說什麽妹宏戀 還有周候戀 還有小豬selina還有makiyo的緋聞 整個show只想要用這些無聊頭頂的新聞來炒作這次的焦點。。怪不得陶吉吉從來不參加 現在小豬還有阿妹也說不玩了...東風高興了吧
整個典禮星光黯淡了 還用林志玲 侯佩岑 配陶子來主持 整個不對了 好像很不順利 還沒到當天便一直有傳聞一直風雨不斷 好混亂 。。我們這些歌迷都糊塗了
不是音樂頒獎典禮嗎?怎麽好象周刊頒獎典禮... 一點音樂的重點都沒有。 這次聯海外的表演嘉賓也粉少..怎麽會這樣 盛會耶 現在變窮會...阿勒 本來我很高興 禮拜六不排任何東西高高興興的回家看金曲獎 現在不想看了。。= ="
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:28:00 pm
- ahahhahaa grave of the fireflies for real -

hahahahaaha JUST FOR LAUGHS
see the third picture?? that is the puffy pampers thingy the real guys trying to imitate hahahhaa and it looks like his whole hips area exploded...hahaha
糖果亂言 Rantings 1:57:00 pm
- logitech quickcam~ express -

kekkez~ since i checked the specs with the creative one..on sale it will be same price as this..and that one i gotta go big trouble to go and buy..troublesome. so i getting this heeeheee 49 bucks.
糖果亂言 Rantings 12:30:00 pm
- Popular 80% SALE -
Hi Ho
the sale is at WEST MALL atrium. till 6 june. buy 10 books and above 80%, 5-9 books 50%, 1-2 books 20%...liddat la. I know this sounds auntie and crazy but i really bought 11 books from that sale. Can you believe i only spent 30 dollars..with that 11 books..siaoz.. I squeezed with the aunties la..cuz many pple. then i choose books for very far as i am concerned if you are looking for novels there are not much left unless they replenish the goods. then those computer books are also v little and quite useless... its messy. So if you dont like to squeeze and sweat and carry heavy books..then dont go..
But i think the books i buy a little bo liaw la, i dig out these.. all not wanna buy la. since its super cheap. why not buy and keep~! hahaha
Evonne hsu's Book <-- tis one inside cool leh.. got text and pics of her life i think

Jiao jiao's Book -- this one is more about some fashion of japan i think.. his books always kinda interesting to look at a lot of weird stuff inside.

Ai Qing Feng Bao Mei Li 99's Book <--- ( i realise got my email add inside = =") and this book got free ring~ see from site below. i got a pink one and there write its out of stock loll! and its 590NT!!! but i got it comes with the book hahah!

F4's Book <-- last time really wanted this when i like F4 now dont like liao..but its super cheap leh..4.90...then 80% off only less than one dollar hahahahaah! and there is a whole stack there!!! why not buy and keep cuz i will want to keep it as a memory. kekeke

Piano Score Book (amazed i found the picture online) inside got some good songs like twins xia yi zhan tian hou, rong zu er song, eason's songs...i went home to try! wah..v hard..i dunno where to place my hands for different majors...gotta learn fast then i can play! kekeke but i can play xia yi zhan tiao hou de front part!! hehe i figured out a little bit. but with one hand only hahaa

Rong Zu Er PianoScore Book <-- mind you! this is 42 dollars !!! but 80% off = 8 dollars!! heeheee this one real cool~ inside got many of her songs! and a cd of the piano pieces somemore...and a poster of her and guess what? i didnt check what is in the book..cuz its already a little crumpled..and i just want it so buy liaoz..i found 2 anita mui's bookmark inside..dunno who put one..hahahaha

The Heartbreakers Novel <-- this one i got the soft cover

Sex Dolls Novel <-- I got a shock when i get home and see that i bought a book with this title...see the picture i only saw that author's title then i take liaoz..i see books by cover one hahaha BUTTT in the end i went to read it..its not about sex la, its about a man's fiance got raped and beaten up and found in a apartment..then after that got dunno wad mystery unfolds..he go and search for the culprit i think. quite good ba..i haven finish 5 pages..haha

This is All i can find for the pictures.. hahaha i lazy to scan ma~ but i quite happy haha good buy~
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:16:00 am
- The Music Relay -
erm.. i saw TK's blog about music relay..and he passed the baton to me. since i am so bo liaw now..i will blog it down.
Total volume of music files on my computer:
Less than 1 GB - I keep them on my zen touch and I seldom download only buy albums.
The last CD I bought was:
Penny Dai Pei Ni - Ai Feng Le
Song playing right now:
Jolin Tsai Yi Ling - Tian Kong
Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
Luo Mei Ling - Ai Yi Zhi Shan Liang
A Mei - Ni Hao bu Hao
S.H.E - Jing Zhong Zhao Tie Bu Sha
Lin Guan Yin - Hui Mie Ai Qing
Joey Rong Zhu Er - Xin Dan
Five people to whom I'll passing the baton:
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:03:00 am
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
- boring vesak -
hey pals, been a week plus since i update wor.. quite long~
last weekend before vesak de i think went for amityville, where i got super angry ehs....u all know la. about the show was...hmm..i didnt know it was a true story until i searched online for the movie website today...really got pple got killed like that ar....scary.. the movie was too gross like keep flashing those dead people or getting killed scenes very fast! so u watch till u will become a little keee siaoz! haha i got scared whole movie la keep screaming like mad. sorry to those beside me hehehe.
then i forgot whether i went out on sunday. but monday and tuesday i also forget 7788 liaoz hahahaa really dont remember...then wed - fri i went to that course at IPAM just near buona vista mrt. then everyday i go down to ANL after the course cuz just nice meeting them..and i am always off early from the course. so been a routine to go down hhaha then wed i think we went to ehs...gym. then thurs went to poolfusion but dinner at cineleisure yoshinoya first. fri went to genki sushi @ the marina sq center stage with steph and jy. then i think i dont have enough rest tiring. had a good time last week. sat i go teacher actually didnt teach me any prac cuz ran out of time. she really a bit loh soh leh.. so that lesson i learnt ard 4 chapters of theory loll~ and i finished the homework le! aha
then we were supposed to go to JB on sunday and come back on monday de. but the end JY last min sprained his leg then steph also got something cropped up last min so the trip cancelled cuz too little pple like 4 of us. so in the end no news for 2 days then i didnt go out at all..oh ytd too i decided to go IMM at night..met my cousin and we went for a short session at daiso and then giant and mini toons and then go mac sit sit. i bought a mouse that...within 5 mins got burnt off!!! lousy leh~ hehe got my bro to help me change. then i also got some ham, bought a dozen things at daiso and also ehs...some clothes hangers. haha like auntie leh i buy de things. haha
today gg gym ba meeting steph later. real sianz now. 20 minutes more. :D
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:19:00 pm
Friday, May 13, 2005
- this week -
oh i just changed my taggie board this one got more chars so dont have to type in many messages.. but i saw cora posting the previous one.
so i came to write an entry as requested. update. keke
hmm.. this week i haven been meeting anyone except monday gg for the house of wax movie. without any anls workin with me its kinda sianz. lucky got my friend or else we all super sianz here alone in this "adult" world. ok back to house of wax. you know its not a ghost show so i dare to watch its horror like wad i heard from asos on tv they said they dare to watch serial killers and gross movies like those dig out your intestines thingy compared to ghost or spirit kinda movies like ju on or sadako samara because these are likely to happen more than you will enter a town and see all the people turn into wax. true right? hahaha more likely u will see a hand hang on your balconey or hair coming out from you running tap or even your mirror reflection talking to you rather than a man appearing behind you with a saw or a man cutting your fingers. hahahaha there i am babbling off about stupid stuff again. :P
house of wax is quite a good catch actually. even though i kept letting out "eeeksss, ohhh, awwww" kinda sounds cuz its really too exciting for me..haha my mood constantly being on the high side throughout the whole movie, cant imagine da S say that she thinks this kinda movie is black comedy...she laughed the whole movie!... especially when the handsome guy was turned into wax..and he cant he screeaaammmed inside like when he was in pain ..she laughed. i am amazed.
hmm.. so much so for that movie..oh. and paris hilton cant act. kekez.
then tue..ehs...i went home ba. cant remember. wed i went to kino to see see look look.. hoping to find the magazine i wanted but in the end i got fan xiao xuan's book

inside the book v small and is she compile wad she had "anyhow written" during her stage of depression. ok la i haven go and read it yet. thurs super sianz didnt want to go home. so i went walk around alone. went gramaphone, bought a second hand jay cd for brother. i was looking for those shops that sells taiwan or hongkong magazines, usually those shops that sells idols stuff. the one in taka moved to i went to there walked so much...then found it has become a cd shop = =" and the man offered to help me get wad i want from taiwan. i didnt want to go through them cuz they sure will mark up the price and earn. then i wanted to find the house of stars shop moved to lucky i went there lo..wa first time go to lucky plaza the higher was so ...eerie actually..inside there looked like the older version of queensway shopping center when all the shops are closed..i keep hearing things banging the metal gates even though the shop is closed maybe its wind ba. then i walked those place nobody dares to walk..a lot of pple looked at me walking around like mad woman hahaa..still cant find..weird pple..wanna move the shop to such places.. then i sick liaoz v tired...hungry so i went over to taka..hopin to get a sandwich..who knows when i passed by mango and other shops i started gg in to try on clothes hahahaa and then walked ard shopping..! didnt buy anything la but i got my sandwich then go home rest liaoz..
been v tired everyday..after wake up i v tired..i dunno why. i tot sleeping is supposed to replenish my energy? not waste my energy?...sleepy now..yawnz. still 5.5 hours left before i gg wala wala tonight with you guys. so tired.
oh yah i wanna wish jac a wonderful first flight! even though she wont be able to read this till she comes back cuz she flew off yesterday~ hahaa wish her all the best. her career there is picking up~ hopes she likes wad she is doin. and rach also get a nice job and be happy again. those gg Uni soon will have good luck too and those gg army hope they wont tired till peng san those still working just ehs work hard hahaha schooling de please get your butts on your chair and get good results, and those jobless get a job real soon. i know the process, its so stressful. <---see?? i v free now right? rubbish all i write are rubbish. byeee
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:26:00 am
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
- Chicken Rice 雞腿飯 -
this is a band that has been around for many years but only now they got the chance to cut album.. heehee its a rockabily style quite nice leh~ their manager is Mavis Fan xiao xuan. cuz she found them by chance then she helped them to cut album. haha
i think the music is cool leh might buy it. the URL~ i saw them on Yu Le Bai Fen Bai then find the music not bad one~ even though the lead singer look like osama chinese version haaaaaaaaa
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:50:00 pm
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
- Stars Look-Alike~ EDITED -
you might have seen these pictures in emails before. butt i still wanna post it up.. they are just too amazing kekee
especially this.
JACKIE WUHow can this be possible?? hahaha this photo appeared in tv before. because its just too funnyy hahaha!!! SUPER look like Jackie Wu lohh hahahaahaa and everytime i look at this i will just giggle hahahaa...! since when jackie wu just wear this hat and whole body put on black makeup hahahahaa!
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ONE THE LEFT IS THE REAL ONE THE RIGHT IS THE LOOK ALIKE.haaha this one another one..really look like her sister leh.. buay tahan..jackie wu no.2! she look really funny..cant imagine she go market buy veggies tt time pple got wad reaction!
SELINAthis one is i think kinda look like selina from SHE. so far this one i see most resembles her liaoz.
but her face slimmer than selina hehehe ask her to see this photo then she will know how she looks like if her face is slimmer. kekeez
HEBEthis is the mostttttttt HEBE lookalikeeee hahaha look so much like her sia....pretty also!!
picture on left: JAYthis guy ar hahaa i think when jay chou become famous he must be quite sianz also la. whereever he goes everyone sure say aiyo!!! JAY lookalike is here!!! waaaa oooo hahaha
he sure looks like jay overall la.
picture on right: AH XINhaha this one i see i laugh its like the gay version of ah xin from Mayday! hahaahahaaaaaaaaa this one must blink blink see then look like ah xin hahaa a bit ah beng also! haha
EDISONso cuteee kekekezz. edison cute version! but really edison style one. stand also must crooked. look like hor hahaha
ELVAso cuteee!! looks like elva young tt time hahaa looks like leh! chao xiang de!
ELVAthis one i nothing to say i just laughed very loud ahhaahahaaa cuz real funny. i think elva see liao sure laugh till pengz hahahahaaaa!
KUNDAthis one just look like loh ...think its him la hahahaa No i heard is a model that looks like kunda hahaha think he will get a scare cuz sure looks like him!!!! white white those type
LEE HOMwahhh i got a big SHOCK!!! haha this one so so so so so so LEEHOM so handsome....!~~~~~ really look like also the same..i think he can jsut fake to people he is leehom laaa can get free stuff hahahahaaa shuai shuai!
TAKESHIthis is the person that look like takeshi most liaoz! haha so jap jap de heheee shuai ge also! but like young young de takeshi
ZHANG SHAN WEIhahahahahaa this one also super look like zhang shan wei loh looll dunno how this person looks like without the hands
SUN XIE ZHIkekekekezz this reminds me of vincent dunno why the hair ba. hahaha looks a little like sun xie zhi la a bit "tai ke" pattern one. beng bengz type!
LIN WEI JUNcan u spot who is the real lin wei jun? hahaha almost is 100% the same lolll!! hahahaa same pattern one somemore!
GUESS WHO?itssss ZHANG NA LA! hahahaaha the korean zhang na la haha this girl looks cute cute la just like zhang na la~
YANG CHENG LINGhahaha this one no need to say already super looks like yang cheng ling, i suspect its her cute de~~ hahahaa like commercial liddat hahaha
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:48:00 pm
Friday, May 06, 2005
- my fav food is actually -
u know we always have to fill in wad is our fav food in those dump profiles or quizzes~
i always have a hard time answering that leh!! hehe but now i know liaoz. MY FAV FOOD is actually Durian. like anything to do with durians - durian puffs durian cakes durian crepes all tt. hmm.. and Hazelnut flavored stuff like chocolate/ brownies all that. so nice...these should be favourite junk food ba haha. but i like.
food..still dunno.i like dumplings! hehe shui jiao~
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:43:00 pm
- mothers day -
its the once in a year event~~
mothers day
mama de jie.
hmm..i really dont know wad to buy for mama...keke..v hard to choose also. i was hoping to get her a watch - guess or DKNY ..or diamond earrings? hmm... but in the end i just called her to say i bringing her to choose. hehe think she is happy. isnt it?
wednesday and thursday i didnt go to play, wed just slept like a log from 10 to 10 then thursday went to see doc for i have been lau sai-ng for no reason. hmm..then i think i took a half day mc ba, didnt know nyp dont accept half day mc but one whole day. so i have a whole day and i came back to office wor. nvm ba, i stayed a while and went to orchard in search for a present. but that was wad happened. read the previous paragraph. hmm..but in the end i didnt buy, but shopped haha. i didnt get clothes but got a ellgy cream and hair dye. then i wanted to have some went to taka basement. couldnt stand the temptations of the durian puffs and the durian crepe. i got them both. keke.. then bought 2 brownies and get one free. ok ba. i'll keep it till sunday then eat..cuz scared lausai. the durian thingy still at home wor. ~~!
now i am awaiting for tonight. when friends come back for fusion and then might go out or go home i dunno~ see see ba~
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:54:00 am
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
- some issues -
i have always thought working in a big company a big environment a bit organisation is a real blessful thing. benefits, money, career, ya.. but its not what it seems to be always.
this word. a lot of meaning. i dont mean world politics but company politics.
i am the youngest here. i do anything? i have to ask a lot of people. one website can easily involve the public affairs side, the director, the deputy director, some lecturers. it is hard to get messages across to them by me alone. I understand my position so i got to go to many "discussions" by myself to the various ...erm..sides.
but ..usually, i get many mixed instructions that makes me even confused to who to listen to. i know i should listen to the highest authority but if i do something that the director said and didnt do what the other sides discussed in the various kind of meetings. they can easily stab me on the spot in front of the director and say that this isnt the case. I might as well just go and sell tau huay where life is much simpler and one day i might even drive a mecedes benz. well. sometimes i just have to do different mockups to show as a backup. where both sides will be happy. which is i just stab myself easier than being stabbed. how do i make sure i could protect myself when.. i am at the most...non terrifying post or i say most...least respected post? I think its still workable if i remain my usual happy go lucky kinda attitude to survive in big organisations - motto = dont think of it just drink it down kinda thing. you know~
i know i might be BULLshittting a lot on these issues but i think these are new to me ..guess i have been in smaller ranged companies where i dont have to ask that much unrealistic permissions or approvals or even wadever ever. and wow..its 3pm liaoz. 3 more hours to go. wished i have a month holiday now hahaah. or best. just get pregnant then will have 9 months holiday CHOI CHOIIII.. kekezzz
yesterday rachel gave me that card. that she did for everyone specially customised. wah...very touching.......we got her a fossil watch and got vincent a guitar and a mango cake. ..the seafood platter is so cool!! so much....nice....*_* decided to bring mom to jurong point on sunday for FISH & CO. kekekez ex but nice wor. still dunno wad to get for mommy. maybe later i gg to IMM ba..there got lee hwa all that..or i directly go orchard get the present today. hmm.......i shall see.
oh ya we went to KTV @ cuppage also. it was cheap leh.. 10 dollar each nia. and it was fun!!! hehehez...we did a lot of idiot things haha like kallang wave or those concert fans waving syndrome loll. and we also sang some idiot songs. the duet with hay was nice. sang with steph and cora too v nice! hehe
糖果亂言 Rantings 2:35:00 pm