- Stars Look-Alike~ EDITED -
you might have seen these pictures in emails before. butt i still wanna post it up.. they are just too amazing kekee
especially this.
JACKIE WUHow can this be possible?? hahaha this photo appeared in tv before. because its just too funnyy hahaha!!! SUPER look like Jackie Wu lohh hahahaahaa and everytime i look at this i will just giggle hahahaa...! since when jackie wu just wear this hat and whole body put on black makeup hahahahaa!
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ONE THE LEFT IS THE REAL ONE THE RIGHT IS THE LOOK ALIKE.haaha this one another one..really look like her sister leh.. buay tahan..jackie wu no.2! she look really funny..cant imagine she go market buy veggies tt time pple got wad reaction!
SELINAthis one is i think kinda look like selina from SHE. so far this one i see most resembles her liaoz.
but her face slimmer than selina hehehe ask her to see this photo then she will know how she looks like if her face is slimmer. kekeez
HEBEthis is the mostttttttt HEBE lookalikeeee hahaha look so much like her sia....pretty also!!
picture on left: JAYthis guy ar hahaa i think when jay chou become famous he must be quite sianz also la. whereever he goes everyone sure say aiyo!!! JAY lookalike is here!!! waaaa oooo hahaha
he sure looks like jay overall la.
picture on right: AH XINhaha this one i see i laugh its like the gay version of ah xin from Mayday! hahaahahaaaaaaaaa this one must blink blink see then look like ah xin hahaa a bit ah beng also! haha
EDISONso cuteee kekekezz. edison cute version! but really edison style one. stand also must crooked. look like hor hahaha
ELVAso cuteee!! looks like elva young tt time hahaa looks like leh! chao xiang de!
ELVAthis one i nothing to say i just laughed very loud ahhaahahaaa cuz real funny. i think elva see liao sure laugh till pengz hahahahaaaa!
KUNDAthis one just look like loh ...think its him la hahahaa No i heard is a model that looks like kunda hahaha think he will get a scare cuz sure looks like him!!!! white white those type
LEE HOMwahhh i got a big SHOCK!!! haha this one so so so so so so LEEHOM so handsome....!~~~~~ really look like leh...style also the same..i think he can jsut fake to people he is leehom laaa can get free stuff hahahahaaa shuai shuai!
TAKESHIthis is the person that look like takeshi most liaoz! haha so jap jap de heheee shuai ge also! but like young young de takeshi
ZHANG SHAN WEIhahahahahaa this one also super look like zhang shan wei loh looll dunno how this person looks like without the hands
SUN XIE ZHIkekekekezz this reminds me of vincent dunno why the hair ba. hahaha looks a little like sun xie zhi la a bit "tai ke" pattern one. beng bengz type!
LIN WEI JUNcan u spot who is the real lin wei jun? hahaha almost is 100% the same lolll!! hahahaa same pattern one somemore!
GUESS WHO?itssss ZHANG NA LA! hahahaaha the korean zhang na la haha this girl looks cute cute la just like zhang na la~
YANG CHENG LINGhahaha this one no need to say already super looks like yang cheng ling, i suspect its her sia...so cute de~~ hahahaa like commercial liddat hahaha