Wednesday, June 29, 2005
- m back feeling good -
i am back from chalet on sunday. slept like a log till evening woke up for dinner and slept again to replenish energy. but to no avial... monday and tuesday went like a breeze as i was super tired from morning till night that i slept like...erm..before 10 for both days...then now i feel better real better after yesterday night's sleep.. heehee... today i shall do something more at home but i still wanna rest.
chalet was fun from friday night. before reaching chalet i was feeling a little feverish..but after dinner i felt fine..and then we proceed down to settle down in our own little apartment keke..
i will post some
photos tonight or tmr for some stuffs we did. now i will try to describe in words. our unit is surrounded by big groups the whole area is super noisy...friday night...we ate then drank a lot... played games throughout like mahjong/ cards/ twister...>--- damn farnie game...see they twist and touch each others butt. hahah then i think we all ended up sleeping for a while like 2-3 hours after everything that happened...which was hayden the drunk man. he kept playing and drinking loh... in the end he is not in the clear state of mind.. he puked...and stepped on steph's head = = and he puked water on the mattress...he ran ard half naked... he did the pole dance...he couldnt get into the toliet so he wanted to hide behind the fridge to change his pants...but cora walked out from toliet and saw him take out his pants o_O....shocked shocked cora was like wow... hahaha then i think he anyhow threw his nike shirt away next day couldnt find hahahaa.... yeah next morning see his "nei jiu" look. so ....wu nai... we went eat breakfast at BK next morning then go walk ard see see got wad to do.. in the end.. we didnt do anything except laze ard in the afternoon...before bbq.. we went to rent bikes at 5pm..that started some fun...found out jingli got phobia to bikes..but she wans to ride leh.. haha then after cycling a while is bbq liaoz leh.. then we were waiting for vic lee vic yuk jimmy to come then we play with vic yuk de baby..and the little boy named zhe han which is his neighbour... super funny boy being controlled by darren our estacy boy haha... entertained by them for few hours..then went up play this singing game...then after the guests left.. we packed up and cut cake give pressies to june babies then went for cycling to the prawn fishing place... adventurous but quite near lah..then we took an hour or 2 to fished 8 prawns!! i fished one!!! it is fun fun next time i still wan to go kekekez... then after that we went back they this time i was dead waited for the rest to come back they go for cycling again;... then when they come back we decided not to do anything..then i go sleep without bathing...eeeeek.. then next day i change t shirt then go home liaoz lah.. too tired..
tmr meeting them i think.. steph last day @ anl.. it has become a ritual to meet on pples last day at ANL the place that started all these... even though we already left..its still very memorable... tmr gg shop and dunno where maybe ktv or bar. see ba... got something for her. =)
let me go home and rest and relac today.. slept enough....
糖果亂言 Rantings 12:14:00 pm
Friday, June 24, 2005
- headache............ -
i really.. pain pain pain now..heavy me....
i am going pengsan because of my head........alamak.....jiayou
later chalet how how!!
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:05:00 pm
Thursday, June 23, 2005
- i wish... -
i wish i could earn a lot and still get to have a job i like. then i dont have to worry about my cpf debt and piano fees and vacation fees but well this is
life. =)
i wish to stand on a stage and sing just one song dedicated to my friends family and anyone who likes to listen.
i wish for a mini cooper.
i wish for wonderful life with all my friends and family are healthy and happy.
i wish that i would not be afraid of dogs anymore.
i wish to be forever 21.
i wish to own a karaoke chain in the future so i can just go to any outlet, show my card, and sing for as long as i want.
i wish for a slimmer body.
i wish money grows on trees then i will plant these trees right in my room.
i wish A Mei will remember my name and take a picture with me.
i wish i could play the piano like maksim.
i wish i would have the guts to swim or go to a survival camp someplace surrounded by water for ten days so to erase off my phobia of water.
i wish i can jump off the bridge in some australia mountain place where people play bungee jump, then i will not be afraid of the heights anymore.
i wish everybody's character and personality change for the better, including myself.
i wish nobody kill the animals for their fur or husk or fin or horn or even saliva (bird's nest = swallow's saliva).
i wish there are no third world countries so there wont be people dying of hunger.
i wish there is one spiderman in every town so there wont be crimes happening.
i wish there is this pill that cures crooked teeth so i dont have to save up for braces.
i wish singapore will snow so we will not sweat 365 days.
i wish humidity does not exists.
i wish stress is just a cute little hamster so we wont be this fucked up when are stressed up.
i wish corkcoaches is equivilant to the tinklebell fairy in peter pan so we wont screen our heads off when we see them.
i wish everyone is 170cm tall.
i wish there is no such thing as marriage.
i wish for 1000 USD check so i can get a LV bag for my mother.
i wish supermarkets dont have cashiers.
i wish i own an airplane so i could go to taiwan right now.
i wish someone will drive me home everyday.
i wish i wish i wish for ........
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:26:00 pm
- mr & mrs smith -
wheww the movie was good gracious hilarious to me cuz i find the plot funny. make 2 top powerful assasins marry each other and kept the secret of their jobs from each other. how funny can it be. all these years jane smith haven been cooking but dinner's always @ 7 hahah cooking from her girls. and they only start to get suspicious of each other when they were given the same person to kill loll, and they need to get rid of each other when they found out the truth so as not to hinder the job. but in the end they joined forces to defend touching. as there is always still a tinge of love between them that bring them together. sweet. and the way they hide their weapons is wow...= =" 5 years OR 6 years living together and you dont find the secrets loll... funny people.
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:16:00 pm
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
- aiks. dui dui -
aiks ytd was at adobe creative suite 2 seminar @ pan pacific hotel la...
afternoon time after lunch came back and over heard someone said jay chou upstairs havin press conference and friend v eager to go and look for them one leh..= =" but we stayed in the ballroom.... cuz at the entrance there i saw a few mysterious lookin vans and some xiao mei mei.. then i was thinking something fishy liaoz. must be some star in the hotel ...alasss...jay and edison and shawn yue and huang qiu sheng and ah B...
aiks ba. now v regret didnt go and look for them 3 handsomes inside..aiksssssss.. cuz we were tentatively eager to listen to the illustrator presentation! but in the end that speaker marianne didnt speak more than 3 features for illus cuz no time.. wth.. waste my time..lucky draw the wacom tablet i wan :( but in the end a middle aged lady won..... see her pattern i think she wont need the tablet :(((( geez i am so bad... oh ya and we saw our trainer Sean for flash actionscripting from BITS @ the seminar also. BITS has this booth at the tea area.. he was quite shocked to see us ba loll.
yeah and recently i have been stayin at home to rest and rot so nothing much to blog after JB trip ba. only went out for a gather with anl-ians to eat @ mos forgot when.. then after that chill out @ indochine~ wasnt feeling good with my indigestion so didnt drink alcohol. got apple juice instead~ haha i really think these live bands should go and learn more songs its like if u come back after 2 weeks they can still sing the same old songs even wala wala~~ but i think next stop i wanna try eski bar looks cool on tv liaoz haha 0 degrees cold cold place~
staying @ home after the recent courses i attended everyday is kinda boring but i enjoyed the movies i watched and i finished also one series of hongkong show -- so far i've watched wimbledon, a series of unfortunate events, resident evil 2, flight of the phoenix, chi luo te gong, bridget jones diary 2...really forgot whether i've rented anything else. to o much.. 2 dollars for one..didnt know spend a lot liaoz haha
the hongkong series is

nice show their imitations of past slanks are so real so funny. i had a hard time crying and laughing with all their way of speaking hahaha so funny its a nice show. when singapore shows it u all mus watch but too bad it will be in chinese... hw r they going to translate those funny stuff?? hard lo..= ="
last of all, cora requested this the link~ enjoys~!
and today m gonna catch the show Mr & Mrs Smith~!!!
this weekend fri sat sun gonna go chalet~ 1st chalet with anl-ians! hope i wont get drunk with all the alcohol they mentioned they bringing .... i wanna play the bluff game! yay! cycling~~~! escape theme park!! bbq! hehee and being the sophie i promised! clean toliet haha k lar~
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:33:00 pm
Saturday, June 18, 2005
- QUIZ -
What does being a friend really mean to you?You value your friendships: 85%
You love your friends very much - so much so that it's actually quite a worry. You may not be able to cope very well when you do lose somebody's friendship. You are a very sensitive and fragile person, and are therefore likely to get upset easily. You care for your friends and are willing to do anything that they ask you to do. Sometimes this can make your friends think that you are a bit of a nuisance. Nevertheless, people do really love you because your highest priority is your friends.
Wah...= ="
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:25:00 pm
Monday, June 13, 2005
- long time since i blog.. -
hehee...long time nv update my life..lazy lah....
this 2 weeks of june...hmm..celebrated some birthdays and last days of their work and went to JB 4-5th june fun fun!! we ate and ate... reached there go shop and ate sushi..then went to check in hotel...then went eat seafood,...then went to stephanie bar...our fav band wasnt there that night..sadz >_<.........then after that played bluff in hotel till like 4am...then sleep..morning we picked steph up and went to eat niu rou mian...damn nice.....the niu rou wan...beef balls...super nice..haha then went to jusco to shop..i got a bra..then went to holiday plaza..bought DVDs and software cds and pc games..i bought in total scared at custom.hahahaha after that went to eat bak kut teh.......this one also super nice................. super packed weekend there hahaha but nice..we rented car to go ard..upload some pictures later entries. the games i bought back..the mall tycoon sucks... school tycoon is fun! nice graphics and wont die so easily la . hhaha always forget to build toliets and gaming place so i got so few students..kekeez... then the DVDs were nice.. i got

these DVDs v nice hahahaa except totoro..ending part..= =" pirated ma.. a bit cocked up..
heeheee tts all now..
me stomach not well for a few days liaoz..haiz..bloated..indigestion...a lot of gas..and pain a bit bit la..~ hope i get well soon..........
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:49:00 pm
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
糖果亂言 Rantings 10:06:00 am