- 9th july long saturday! -

saw these tankers or tanks @ oneraffleslink in front that road..i got a bit scared. cuz it looked like war scene.. yeah this is the infamous National Day Parade rehersal we see every year different pattern one. = ="

happy tziming with her candle on mudpie! happy birthday girl!

closeup of mudpie in NYDC. nice!!!

as promised! my new black beads bangle!!!

the peel off mask tt me and tziming got that night. i got the fruits mask she got honey mask! a tip when using it. stay cool. i went on clearing my room and got all sweaty with the mask on and i cant peel it off!!! eeks

MY NEW BAG!! i love it! its from ebase! kekeez.. this is the 50% thingy i was talking bout~

this is the topshop top i got before this sat! startin to regret...cuz too ex..