Tuesday, August 30, 2005
- i think i will have 2 weeks of stress -
currently listening to: Claire - 我不想忘記你(wo bu xiang wang ji ni)
hmm..i think i am not cut for designer job cuz i will have immediate stress whenever a task is assigned to me. even though i did many stuff b4 its still like that. i just dont like it. hate it to the core. period. nothing is stopping me from switching career. tsk tsk..
hmm..nothing la..just got some stuffs to do at work and i feel that i cant do a good job. how neh?? just do loh. i hope i can finish on time also. good luck to myself.
cant believe i am in NYP for 5 months liao lehz..siaoz still got 7 months my contract ending liaoz... woo..so wad do i do next?? its for me and u to find out~~ thurs i think i gg to watch superstar finals live @ indoor stadium~ hmm... and ytd my friend told me FIR went to NTU wor, 50th anniversary wor, FIR good neh will attend these events one ar~~ hope i was there but nvm la, still cool~~~happy for my friend cuz she finally can see them live! keke... jiayou to myself and everyone else that is searching for wad they wan in life!
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:17:00 pm
Monday, August 29, 2005
- bluey -
currently listening to: kelly潘嘉麗-遺失的美好yi shi de mei hao (<-- will add this in the future posts. haha incorporated from my cousin's blog)
nothing special in my life recently
today is monday..the disgusting day of the week. of all weeks loll..quite happy to have my zen to company me during work today i dunno why. dunno whether next time can trade in this for new zen..cuz this one the only problem is its not a direct removable hard disk. aiks~~ waste my money that time. but now the usability is still ok till now. not much problems neh~ cool~
hmm. on sat went to my poly friend - Qing's new place~~
she moved to this 3 storey semi-D located in between bukit batok and choa chu kang there la. nevertheless its super near my place. i din know at first, still went all the way by train to cck mrt there meet the rest. then when i reached that bus stop i was like..oh there a straight bus from my place. and so we were exploring the place. its clean, new, cool environment, soothing la. but i just cannot tahan having to climb up and down everyday. loll... qing live level 3 neh.. i really think the advantage of living there is there is a personal toliet in every room!!! woah this is cool right. dont have to share loh.. =) and then qq's room is simple but adequate la~ bed is nice but her stuff compared to mine is not much haha she used 5-6 boxes then maybe i need...15 lol i have a lot of junk~ my collections woo...cant throw ma..posters / cds/ magazines/barangs haha bags ~~ i am tempted to move house too. but my mom dont wan lehz..lol.. then we chatted and updated each other wad we were doin during the pass months and years then we ate kfc delivery lunch and qq mom cooked dinner simple and nice nice~~
then at night we went up to the roof top there and lobo around taking pictures~~ yes there is a roof top~~ kekez.. yay we took many pictures la fun fun! then at night when gg back, i took the straight bus..wow its like i reached home in 10 min leh only 5-6stops away = =" i dunno lehz.. so fast i took out my book then i see my house liaoz. haha...
find one day i have to go to daiso again liaoz need to get spoon, bowl, more cd covers, file, chopsticks, cloth to cover keyboard, more cloth hahaa.. file to put postcards..
wa must write shopping list liaoz. kkk. i'll stop here!
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:07:00 pm
Friday, August 26, 2005
- yay i invented my new signature! -
kekez. its been a long time i wanted to change my signature.
now i gotta go to the bank and change it. any where else got my signature reference ar..should be only banks ba. yepz i gg to change tmr.
keke now i sign candy instead of yuhua. hmm..cool~
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:07:00 pm
Thursday, August 25, 2005
- i'm a freak! -
when i record songs. i will listen to them myself many times! hahaha dunno why.
today thursday liaoz times passes so fast..but nothing much accomplished. feel that just living life for the sake of living. i should control my life right? hmm..feel like watching movies. charlie haven catch and also bewitched. how neh?? must catch them asap!
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:29:00 pm
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
- notitle -
tired leh today... fell asleep in office..
now nothing to blog about lehz.. keep thinking of payday lol...so far away.. next payday on my birthday..aiks... i really duno what to do on birthday. i think i'll just meet up seperately with different friends and eat eat can liaoz. feel like gg ktv also..then take next day off keke...
dunno la..just simple can liaoz..see other friends hold buffets at home and stuff..dont feel like cuz i'm a terrible host. and i dont want to make myself tired..hehe...
arh.. dunno wad to blog about liaoz.. tts it for today. i keep thinking of holidays...die..
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:41:00 pm
Monday, August 22, 2005
- movie review -
Seven Swords.
i find the story actually ok..only the movie not so fast paced. i like some of the fighting scenes.. wu xia pian all like that one ba. they kill each other...but this show..the bad guys kill pple and sell heads to the emperor...cuz emperor ban people from learning martial arts...all must die..keesiaoz... then the seven people holding seven swords are heros that save the villages and people. yepz tts about it. love to see duncan. kekez and yang cai ni.
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:14:00 pm
Friday, August 19, 2005
- woohoo! new style again! -
keke...as u can see i have too much time now.
nice or not ar..i find color weird weird. but ok ok la.. so handsome gaaaaaaa ************ arhhhh!!!! ok. i shall stop here. happy weekends coming again.
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:18:00 pm
Thursday, August 18, 2005
- should i..... -
well its those whether i should study? post again.
i guess among our age..u will find yrselves asking yrself this question again and again.. well i really dunno wad to do...i dont find joy in my work now..only its a chore to me.....i rather really be a clerk to organise stuff do admin work..sounds real boring ya?? i think i will find more joy doing that than now.. why on earth i am a designer and i am not happy about it?? dunno guess its really not in my blood. lookin at my peers they seem to enjoy wad they are doing now..and planning to further study on design...well to me if i continue studying design.. my only route is to teaching?? or be a boss?? creative director?? because i cant be designer again or it would be the same as now...being a designer u dont need a degree...u will get the same pay...almost the same range.. real sianz... so i begin to wonder wad do i want to do if not designing??? related...none. maybe towards the arts side.
with this diploma its really restricted to wad i can study in uni no matter overseas or local?? i can only do comm studies/social sciences/design/business and not all the schools will enroll me to wad i want. i hav to check v carefully...cant do comm studies cuz my language is not strong...then design i dun wan.. then business i can only go to nus...where i know i will never beat them all then i will end up with a business degree that everyone has...sounds real...stucked up!! so wad now??
left with social sciences..i checked and see whether i would be interested...wow..many divisions and stuff then i saw japanese studies..i go bing bing bing!! i always wanted to further my japanese language studies.. but what is this about?? i am not really sure until now..its more on the japanese culture studies and history.. will i really get a job with this?? i found out just now that the japanese language is not added to the major. i have to bid for it..really very very very idiot system... i just cannot understand the bidding thing..real dumb and absurd... i am not even sure if i have to bid for my majors... but i really want to study history??? its not really me... but i know university..any course.... u cant escape thesis / essays/ write your opinion or blah blah.. its the same ba..except i will not be math /science expert.. cuz i wont go into that field.. can i really write?? do i have the ability to join the faculty of arts and social sciences?? haiz i know i will definitely bid for my japanese language if i get to go in.. so how neh...i really dunno if i want to study this.. not much choice left if i dont go for it..then wad??? work as designer longer.???? or i borrow money go and crash learn my piano or...really nothing much already.... haiz...life is so sickening.. will i have jobs if i study that...??? really dunno.. i have almost a year to decide..if i study it should be next year ba. will take a loan or cpf. shuld be ok. only have to take up part time jobs for allowances.. so the problem is. whether i want it. i have no friends to join me study.. i will be all alone. real alone. shuld i live in hostel so tt i can make more friends? shuld i continue to work as a designer where i dont enjoy...???? or shuld i go and take up vocal lessons??
really admire one girl i met in yc fanclub online..she din go to poly/jc but she convinced her mom to let her full time study @ leeweisong sch of music.. study composing/piano/ vocal classes.. that will be her job in the future..i hope that she will succeed or i dunno wad will happen with a girl with only O levels...
i'm really into thinking process these days.. seldom go out..keep watching dramas, ...saving up for my vacation early next year, saving for piano... i really do believe money DO BUY HAPPINESS muahaha...i haven even got the chance to learn how to drive, to put on braces....i understand this is my life..i treasure my own stuff cuz i earn all the stuffs i own. bit by bit..i am going to earn more stuff. by my own. 自己賺的東西最可貴 zi ji zhuan de dong xi zui ke gui.
糖果亂言 Rantings 5:08:00 pm
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
- dreams -
my dreams????
not often but i do have dreams that scare the hell out of me...
cuz...its just too real.........!
like i think a few days ago..i dreamt of myself going to hongkong..i certainly still remember this dream..dunno why....i think i went with..mixed friends from my various groups of friends..then we go take plane..then i know its hongkong cuz the conversation inside we mentioned how excited and also we arrived at hongkong international airport.....scary sia...i have never been there but my dream inside the place certainly looks like hongkong and its unfamiliar to me but if i have never been there then how my brain knows how it looks like?? scaryyyy.... then we all took bus or ferry i forgot..go to a shopping center... want to find our hotel but like cannot find... then we walk walk pass by body shop..i still remember the sale signs... then we finally found some hotel so near airport??!! then went to check in i think... the dream quite long ba... then it ended when we wanted to pay money and checkin..= =
how do i know how the place looks like when i have never been there?? wad if wad i see in my dreams is the real scene in hongkong?? aiyerrrr freaky
after the dreamm i really feel like i've already been to hongkong aiyerrrr shiverssss
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:22:00 pm
Monday, August 15, 2005
- notitle -
yes. sat went to lesson and then kbox with my cousins..then later to karkit b dae at her place. kbox was fun really cuz i haven been there for super long time craving... i din see any david tao posters...sang a great deal of songs and the lunch provided was laksa yay..nice..had mcdonalds and a nice chat with both of them..then went to lobo at popular for a while then..meet jul they all... thanks jul for sending us there and back..sorry i wasnt in the best mood for ktv again at night...cuz i went in the afternoon..but nevertheless...real thanks for sending me back all the way... its far at payalebar rd...so far...and ulu.. then we ate the buffet ate dessert and played cards and mahjong. then we left. it was a nice gathering again with old friends. yep missed the old days at sch. the weekend passed very fast as usual.. slept early on sun night knowing that it will be the same in the morning. i always and always and always cant wake up on time. was damn tired on sat and sun. pigged out in aircon room all day watching series of taiwan idol drama and variety. nice but tiring also. if i can continue to be like this. i am going to be rich. cuz i dont go out!!!yay!!! its payday today gg to bank again later. shall deposit my money to uob. hmm.. i'm wondering like when shall i get my mac foundation. maybe..next week ba. this week get landy's cd.. kk..ciaozz
糖果亂言 Rantings 12:09:00 pm
Thursday, August 11, 2005
- concert by the bay/mud -
i didnt enjoy myself that night. 8th aug.
it was terrible. terribly terrible
the stage was too far..i was in first row but still...u know too far.. and it rained in that morning...so the field was well.........muddilicious. = = and i think the field cant dry because...they spread plastic sheets over the grass..for us to walk..in the end we were virtually walking on water bed..beneath were all watery grounds... bouncy bouncy...yucks. sucks la.. my shoes................became black..brown..saddzzz...
that day lucky my friend saw singnet homepage..download a wallpaper then can go to the special section..heng ar...then we can enter that area in front..lucky..first row..cuz not much pple.
i wan say the management for the carnival might be good. but the transportation.......... seems to be (cursing us to be stuck there forever)... the block taxis from coming in.. can only take that bus out..with more than 10000sss of people there.. a few buses..not enough la!!! must squeeze up then later take train..its like human become cars..got jam at the whole mrt area...then we walk to mrt..took us more than 30 mins!!! and it was pitch black..after midnight countdown..scary 7th month leh..then like those bio zombies come alive cuz got thousands of pple walking..in the dark...then we reach mrt also cannot take..see people faintszzz.. so we decided to walk out take cab..at that time my legs not mine..never had i feel so painful at the legs before...must be the mud soke spoil my legs...so damp damp damn... then walk outside snatch cabbie with others..sianz right..worst concert experience i had..
cuz too far from stage..not much interaction with the singers..then up there too bright..they cant see us.= = wave also no use..haizz but my ming dao still so cute as ever..i think he quite old liao right..- -''' maybe 25 above.. and FIR rocks..but the whole crowd mostly came for....K ONE. = =''' bad bad bad qiao jie li world...all ginas..sianz so we siam after fireworks...the only thing worth it was the fireworks!!!!!! 15 min!! damn nice wor..
i got video..but i talk too loud so not gg to post. keke.z..
see some photos..

my camera more for taking pics in the day.. so this looks better... can see stage.. i was this far...

chinese orchestra rehersal...

see this sperm like thingy? these are the electronic kite la..they control it fly flyl...

i took the audience from my side..heehee

if you can guess correctly who is this i treat u dinner hahaha.... cuz camera cannot take too much light the stage..u know it sure bright..so come out also like this.. its zhou chong qing la..i using him as testing testing...
yeah tts about it.... my lousy day there..
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:53:00 pm
- beyou -
hmm. i have another blog-like kinda space again.
cuz this place is too cute!!! see wad i created!

see?? i have a room a kitchen and a secret garden! hahaha...more to come at beyou cuz i gonna build my toliet and laundry room! and go shoppin at famous places! haha see my pet cat also cute right..
hmm..wont post much thoughts there...cuz blogger still my main..heehee... but its so adorable la the place..
visit me
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:31:00 am
Monday, August 08, 2005
- national day?? -
well this yr de national dae i think its made very big..all the tanks, performances at various locations...various places..the number of singers actors invited from overseas..overwhelming haha... so many..
i'm going today concerts by the bay @ carnival @ marina the best place for steamboat haha... gg watch FIR, Nicky, 183club, dylan, machi..etc..
and well tmr twins gg to yishun leh. alamak i dont feel like gg out but i wan see twins...= =" suan le i not gg out want to rest again. pig in at home so nice...
hmm..nothing much to write about. ok ciao..
糖果亂言 Rantings 2:07:00 pm
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
- ee yer... -
that stupid ghost movie is gg to start showing this friday which is seventh month first day
糖果亂言 Rantings 10:25:00 am
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
- zpop photos!! -
woww waawooo
amei first!! see she kee siaoz jump here and there..all thanks to wenting send me the photos ..! paiseh only got amei and 183 de photos..cuz we din take all de...i would love to have fan fan de photos too..sadzz

smile! i like her accessories... real cool~

come come sing along with me!! i think this is jian ai time!

dancing!!see how she do ahgogo!

come on!

pretty! see how much accessories she wear...so heavy sia.... but so cool!

wooooh! haha she cua tio when we all sing too loud!

1, 2 ,3 WOO!


very into the song...see her face..
KEKE now the handsome MING DAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so tall.......all of them

alamak..why mingdao suddenly step back..then like jackie blocking him...

too cute to be true...droolss..

here mingdao too far sob sob...

hehe...see him...so handsome..
糖果亂言 Rantings 11:03:00 am
Monday, August 01, 2005
- zpop night..finally -
okok after many days of procrastinating.
i finally sat down to upload the photos and going to talk about that night.

behind the scenes.. see those amei signboards?? i printed and bought the materials for the makings of it that morning. 23rd july. i reached there with yingxue and meijin early in the morning @ 7am..

took cab la.. then realised we were the firsts to come..the siao bunch are shi kang jun fans..they slept there.. this row is the 20dollars tickets de queue..who knows people only came in at ard 1-3pm in the afternoon..

yingxue! and the people in front of us...its supposed to be snake queue..but our group too big so blocked the second row in the snake..haha all reddies....

the people behind me..they were all gone...left their bags there nia..

i tried taking pictures. when i know it wont turn out well anymore then i stopped taking haha...waste time ma.. see the stage..too bright so turn out like that...

i cant even remember who is on stage here hahaha...dont recognise...and yes! that stupid camera man keep blockin me...even i am at the first row..

sun de rong haha sun zong..when 183 club was performing .. he was standing just right beside our area..so near..so take a photo of him..my friend said he slim down liao hahaha ...
ya la..he look so fierce..like if 183 dance wrong will scold or wad..kekez... and yep..tt night was super power bang bang haha..cuz..the main thing i can see amei..! she rocked the hall of crazy people~i'll talk about amei first..well she was certainly surprised that she recieved that much applause and screamings we were surprised too! i think there are certain amount of mei fans in sg just that previous events warner didnt advertise well!!! i bet u dont know she appeared last yr at taka for the taiwan tourism thingy! this time the mei fans came. if its not then its the supportive fans for other artists like fan fan or jj or whoever.! thanks to everyone!!!! to make the night so memorable~ amei didnt disappoint us by singing some old ballands like jian ai, yi xiang dao ni ya really amazing how the whole crowd was singing along..she could've just let us sing..it was overpowering de loud...then it was the fast tempo songs time like fa shao, yes or no and naruwan~! we all i think siaoz liaoz... so i couldnt remember much..just instinctly memory of myself holding on to the signboards and fanning while shouting as it was TOO HOT!!! its getting squeezy! and warm! argh! but it was so fun... and the warner staff remembered me as last time i went for the FIR competition haha...quite paiseh..she was surprised i am amei fan = ="
ya and other highlights of the show is when i saw fan fan笵笵!!! aiyo..i was so happy...cuz recently i was kinda addicted to her new album yi bi yi一比一...this album is so great! especially the david tao's track yi bi yi一比一..damn nice..haha i almost teared..when i saw her..it was too weird as i keep listening and the next day i saw her in real...to me seeing amei is already just a norm..as i always see her...will support her.. but seeing other stars that i watch in tv shows like yu le bai fen bai娛樂百分百 ..is a miracle.. and those ou xiang ju偶像劇 drama.. i am kinda addicted to wang zi bian qing wa王子變青蛙 and e mo zai shen bian惡魔在身邊 these days.. attracted to ming dao明道 too...so when i saw 183club came out..and i saw ming dao明道..its too overwhelming..i just kept shouting..too excited..and wow..wowwww mingdao!! in front of me?? how can?? its like that when i saw beckham..too shocked u know~and so i kept waving at mingdao...waving a lot of times...then guess wad!! he waved back to me! with a smile..cuz i realised nobody beside me is waving so its to me!! can u imagine it!!!! that smile..is so...electrifying hahaha... kena shocked by him.. gaga liaoz..
yups this is him!
other stars are like jiang mei qi 江美琪, JJ, gigi leong梁詠琪, lee dong jian 李東建, chou pi jiang, maia, ben c, shi kang jun石康軍, celest chong, jin sha 金沙, tanya chua, a sang阿桑, cai chun jia蔡淳佳... shikang jun sing buay pai live ar~~ and jj also~ gigi sounds weird live..when speaking..and i realised a sang's singing style...keep breaking off cuz too soft..not cut off la.. anyway its just a great time there. i didnt regret it.
now its the listen live dunno whether wanna go tickets is 97. hmm...keep my fingers crossed!
糖果亂言 Rantings 12:24:00 pm
- long said new ring and jacket -

my new ring..it looks a bit weird on photo but its gorgeous in real!!! 12 bucks from liang court~ shiny shiny red!

my new ebase jacket...wear a couple of weeks le..lazy to blog nia.
i love the material!

new pen..small small can slot in organiser de.. i bo bian got to buy..cuz my organiser too small...then only this type can fit..argh.its 3.80 for this ball point pen k! ex..pilot..eat money

like this u see~cute right! haha
糖果亂言 Rantings 12:15:00 pm