Tuesday, September 27, 2005
- no title- just 7 things. -
7 things that scare me..
1. insects of any kind! even spider!
2. dark
3. ghost
4. heights
5. stormy sea
6. running out of cash
7. losing my mum
7 things that I like most..
1. singing
2. chocolate
3. amei
4. money
5. shopping
6. watching dramas
7. eating
7 important things in my room..
1. my PC
2. aircon - will die without it
3. bed
4. my cd collection
5. wardrobe
6. bedside table lamp- i am super afraid of the dark
7. the amei life size promotion board behind my bed. its even taller than me!
7 random facts about me..
1. i have chatted with amei a couple of times before side by side with her patting my back too! shes...real friendly!
2. i can finish watching a whole set of drama in less than a day(maybe 30 episodes)
3. i collect free postcards(now only those i think are nice are collected)
4. i only buy original music cds and dont like to send to friends..cuz i just feel that we should support music industry not destroying them.
5. i stay in my room almost all the time staring into my pc
6. i can queue overnight for the concerts or events of the celebs i like cuz i will not attend the events if i am not in the front. no point standing behind watching screens.
7. i was in the choir from pri 3 till sec 4!! 8 years straight!!
7 things I plan to do before I die..
1. own an apartment and live by myself
2. try living with many good friends and enjoy life
3. earn a lot of money
4. go and live in taiwan for more than a year just to pretend i am a taiwanese
5. have vacations to japan, taiwan, america, hongkong, thailand, australia
6. make singing my career
7. slim down
7 things I can do..
1. sing
2. cycle
3. organise my things v well
4. keep my belongings/stuffs in tip top(new) conditions
5. cook some simple dishes...(as if its very li hai)
6. type very fast in chinese
7. use the computer fairly well even troubleshooting!
7 things I can't do..
1. i cant whistle
2. i cant swim
3. i cant blade
4. i cant do pull ups at all
5. i cant save money
6. i cant lose weight loh
7. i cant dance for goodness sake
7 things I say the most..
1. haha
2. haaaaaaa
3. aiyo
4. 屁啦 pi la
5. alamak
6. ooi!
7. 真的阿?
7 Celeb Crushes!..
1. 鄭元暢 zheng yuan chang
2. 明道 ming dao
3. 吳彥祖 daniel wu
4. 羅志祥 luo zhi xiang
5. 賀軍翔 he jun xiang
6. Brad Pitt
7. 元斌 won bin
7 people I'll love to see doing this.....
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:23:00 pm
- boreedieeeeeeeeeeee -
aiks aiks aiyooo
how can life be so simple? hahaha but ok la. celebrated mum b dae last fri. went chinatown then to ps..tiring man buy many things.. and go maxwell eat..got go watch the myth..got walk here and there.............woah..
nothing special these days just home work home work. watch shows and shows and dramas dramas. real sianz now.. working is sianz too. everything is sianz.
when i have nothing to do i will pack my room. keep packing and packing.
i am so bored now. = ="'
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:19:00 pm
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
- pressiesss -
first of all very much thankies too all of u who gave me pressies!! i love pressies!

ok this fossil watch..keke poly friends got me this but i was the one who was there to choose..initially wanted a metal watch but none suits me......so got this leather one!

rachel(anl) got me this small moooo cow i hang it at my table lamp to block the strong light. kkeez...v cute right~

this hard disk is anl gang gave me~ but i requested la...abit paiseh but this yr most stuff is ask me wad i want de.. kekez........ this is slim and small lehz! 60gb

this cool keychain is jingxuan(anl) got me de got those little dangling things female sign, "she" sign, girl toliet sign. kekez i like leh actually~~ cool..

belinda(colleague) got me this precious moment pencil case in pink! nice la~ but quite big i can use it as a makeup pouch liaoz~ loll

eryn(colleague) got me this (bu dao wong) i got 2 i selling off hahaha but this i keep cuz its so cute and in a set! hahaha better is cats! i like cats. not that i hate dogs just scared of them la.

this adidas sneakers is so cool right!!! i got myself de la~~ so nice i heart adidas!!!!!!!!! cool luv it man..........!

another view of it..kekez.. heart heart heart adidas!
糖果亂言 Rantings 10:19:00 am
Monday, September 19, 2005
- birthday -
okay i went out with family fri night. went out with ANLz saturday evening to bbq @ hayden's new place. went out with poly friends on sunday. to waraku and ktv.

esplanade has this i was here thing..we forced parents to stand there and take hahaha...but cant take nicely as the cam fault again = =///

see this so scary one.........

this one ok la was hahaha sounds like wo3 shi4

situation during the mist of bbq..i think uncle yong telling story now..

the condo we was @..balestier. only one building only hahahah...

sunday at waraku...see our table machiam nv eat b4...so extravaganza

mine. beef kaminabe set.... at first we see this is is wad??!! kaminabe?? kaninabe hahahahaha laff me die sia........
i will blog about the presents tmr... kekez take pictures tonight la...
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:27:00 pm
- superstar finals..bo liaoz go la -
something to clarify la.. got free tix..went with my friend..working in ntuc she really has a lot of these freebies sia.. we were sitting @ weilian side then sianz.. then went to sit @ kelly side upstairs so that not so noisy then can chat...so we were...chatting. yes..not to much to watching the show..only when JJ came out we were more concentrating on the show.. its a just for fun night..catch up with friends..not siaoz-on ok...

imagine how high i was sitting...damn scary...

the stage..sianzz la

lazy to rotate again. thanks. roll yr head pls. =P

another overall shot..

close up stage. = = realise i cant take interesting pictures?? cuz i am not using digi cam....i cant zoom far..cant take when its dim..cant take when there are spotlights so the best time to take pictures is when the show hasnt start!!!
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:21:00 pm
- my money money come plant -
wahhaha my colleagues all have money plants!! i went daiso looks for a bowl like pot for mine too! in the end this is the results!

nice right!! my colleagues just cut a branch from hers~!!

see the marbles i got in a green fair @ NYP bazaar la... 2 dollar nia...the pot 2 dollar also...plant? free! actually its growing quite nicely now... cuz i saw roots growing out now..previously its only stem right...amazing plants grow roots themselves... and yes i am growing it hydrophonically. just water! yes i know wad u want to remind me...i will change the water weekly as i dont want to get dengue fever myself. = ='''
money money come come come
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:15:00 pm
- qq house -
tt time went qq new house ~ i took only these few photos..forget to take her front door alamak...nvm next time go again.

3 of them.. we were @ the rooftop..looking out and chatting..haha

they are exploring i am peeping...hehe..

the view we can see from the rooftop~ and ya her house almost same as wad u see opposite!

hehe lazy to rotate the picture..u can rotate your head clockwise to see the rooftop door haha....

qq's computer table! haha she playing some music!

her bed la..with mt and ling on it = = wooo
糖果亂言 Rantings 4:03:00 pm
- the long time ago concert by the bay -
yes this is wad i am. lazy hahahah i drag so long then blog here...= =

i took trial pics of the orchestra which is goin to play the national songs while the fireworks is going on

close up..blurrrrrrrrrrrrr

this is the sperm like thing i took hahahaha its the electric kite...the singtel pple flyin it ........at night. yes they were dangerous.

took the stage when nobody was up there.......still can figure out wad is wad.......

you see this i was testing...as usual this camera phone is not powerfull....see wad this is..zhou chong qing of 933...like a ghost figure.........cuz too much light..cant handle
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:54:00 pm
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
- wasabi -
just had a full full lunch @ wasabi restaurant @ compass point.. thanks to yang hee and doris(colleagues for treating me) thanks! i had salmon sashimi don! hahhaa nice nice..a lot of fish! some soft shell crab and gyoza nice! drive there is fast from nyp lehz surprisingly!
haha.. grateful! arigatou!
糖果亂言 Rantings 2:55:00 pm
Monday, September 12, 2005
- thanks =) -
it was the celebration for my 21st b dae. short and sweet.
real thanks to my friends. i had a great weekend! i think on the actual day itself will go out again!
fridayi took half day and went out to la mian xiao long bao @ marina sq for dinner with family. the food was great!! not too ex also. and we went ard marina sq..got lost a couple of times..real sick of that place sometimes can it renovate finish then open???!!! so messy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! went i esplanade also la~~
satslept fruitfully and...met up with ex colleagues~! friends!! cuz me and eugene same b dae so we had double celebration! we had bbq @ hayden's new place. somewhere is balestier, at a condo...wah seh lo..they brought too much liquor la.. and as usual some got drunk but nv see vin drunk like that b4..hit me so hard on the back..wait got internal injury...lol.. steph and jy and me went to get my present b4 gg down to meet them..thanks for the hard disk man! useful~!!! thanks thanks thanks..! and then we chatted and ate bbq food, the meat was nice, the crabstick was exceptionally nice that day! hhahaa and we played bluff again! loser drink! uncle yong joined us in the game too!! fun fun!! haha...we called sunny sun to come fetch us back again. he is a damn good mecedes cab driver. so nice. free booking service after midnight hahah...and nice cab ma..comfy!
sunnot enough sleep..met up with poly friends. went to fossil to choose a watch..they getting for me..thanks too! i like it v much!! will post up some photos soon. then we went to yoshinoya @ cine to cut cake. then eat eat talk talk then go to waraku @ starhub center to have our lunch dinner...keke..nice nice..had a papersteamboat set..v nice beef!
then after tt some of them left. its me, xuan, ling , xinyan, cf we went to cine de kbox and sang our hearts out!! its so long since i do this..thank god its special night..just order drinks nia. and so qiaoz..superstar got private party @ kunion... so super lotsa fans stuck at the level 8 doorway.. second time we took lift up..we were in the same lift with ...
dai ai ling and...
cai yi wei ...damn farnie..cuz i think he saw me got shocked in a sec. then act as if we dunno them...hahah aiya got nothing to say to these people..not v tall also..= = then we sing sing sing..and went bk @ 11 liddat..ling and xinyan and cf went off ard 10+ hmm.. thanks for coming!!
糖果亂言 Rantings 12:05:00 pm
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
- a love letter -
listening to:五月天(MAYDAY)-瘋狂世界(feng kuang shi jie)
this is a very meaningful piece of letter i found in some forum. the story goes~:
答案: 在屋頂飄著竹葉的寺廟裡-寺上竹================等
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:13:00 pm
Monday, September 05, 2005
- miss kang -
listening to: 陳奕迅(eason chan)-葡萄成熟時(pu tao cheng shou shi)
yeah..this entry is dedicated to my piano teacher miss kang..i really dunno wad happened to her as she just left the music school last week all of a sudden. all i got is a phone call from the school saying that she just called and said she is not coming back anymore!!! how can this happen! all was going fine for 5 months and she was still very very normal during the last lesson...and she gave me 2 chocolates..my gosh how do i know that will be the last time i will see her in my life! i dont even have a picture of her!!!
all i can say its that the 5 months lessons with her had been short and sweet. she is longwinded but still very patient and encouraging, i enjoyed learning from her, she has many many students so her weekends are very packed! like from morning till night..weekdays i suppose too~ she is very thrifty, as i always see her using very very short pencils with a very very small eraser and also she dont use pen, she only buy the red refill and just directly uses the refill to write and mark our work.. she is very traditional, as she dresses in old fashioned way at her own comfort, i dont know how old she is but i guess is around 48-55, i dont know why she suddenly had this decision to leave so ...suddenly with no warning wadsoever, just found out she is from KL from the school and she is just a PR here, she cut of her home and handphone line after she called the school.. i am making wild guesses, i think she is very sick and she went back to KL for good cutting off all contact means. or she has very sudden serious family problems, or suddenly she is cheated by a guy?? she got cheated all her money?? she contacted some critical illness?? well.. u will never know what will happen at the next moment at the next minute, so now i am free to choose another new teacher, i asked my friend fion how was her teacher..her teacher is a taiwanese lady named vivian, met her on saturday, i think she is good..friendly, funny, young, vibrant and she speaks chinese so i think it suits me! but i will try to see how she teaches on wednesdays. now my lesson changed to wednesdays..cannot watch amei on channel 8 liaoz sob sob..
i miss my teacher!!!
糖果亂言 Rantings 10:48:00 am
Thursday, September 01, 2005
- daiso -
currently listening to: 同恩(tong en) - 失去(shi qu)yepz i visited the infamous daiso @ IMM again~ but long time nv go la, time for my shopping spree there too! i love it man, i got many many stuffs mostly kitchen stuffs like spoon, chopsticks, plate, bowl, pot, even got comb, cloths to cover my keyboard, more stock for my cd covers, hello kitty hair cap...keke i think i may wanna take pictures of the stuff i bought.. hahaha.. ok la should do that long time nv put up pictures.
my b dae coming friends ask me wad i want..hmm i feel weird but still told them since both parties will ensure that the present is wad the person likes and not waste money. anl that side getting me hard disk..seems like a boring gift..i want to because i dunno how to buy these myself..so i need and birthday..so might as well..really thanks to you all =) dmd side...i really dunno been wanting to get a watch for a long time..so they getting me fossil...i think they bringing me go choose...thanks also..i feel very paiseh doin all these..but still so thank you so much!! i wanna get the adidas sneakers myself..hope its still there..if not i faintz.. its pink! hahah...nice nice
later gg to watch superstar wor..how?? raining soon i hope i wont look lang bei ard...now really no idea wad to do for open house graphics..no ideas!!! help me guan yin pu sa...aiyoyo....
糖果亂言 Rantings 3:44:00 pm