Monday, February 20, 2006

- destination. -

I have always been craving to visit taiwan since i was young.

now i will be flying there in less than 2 days~! sometimes i couldnt believe it but its true~ thrilling...wonderous place i will explore. will be attending a couple of mei's events during this trip. its just so coincidencial. we didnt know she would release her album so close to our date of visiting..well...i guess buddha blessed me so i did have this chance to experience taiwan the way i want it. people say taipei is boring but who cares! they just wanna go to tai nan and see the mountains and hot springs and more different village living. but i just wanna go to the places i keep hearing keep being reminded on tv. like xi men ding, jiu fen, shi lin ye shi, yong kang jie, liu fu cun, tao yuan, tian mu, bi tan, taipei 101, zhong xiao dong lu, just never ending. haha...but i will also see scenery too~ like this time of the year is the blooming season for the flowers on yang ming shan. and i would go and see the dead volcano top on yang ming shan. and dan shui the whole sea view.. sounds like a tiring trip but worth it. =)

糖果亂言 Rantings 11:12:00 am

- let me know ba -

糖果亂言 Rantings 10:57:00 am

Friday, February 17, 2006

- -

(should be posted on.....10 feb)
hi readers(if there is any)

i am back for some updates.
been using the chinese blog more
this place...are for those who cant read chinese hahaha...

ok lah...from previous post till now. life has been quite heart warming~
from chinese new yr...till now busy with working...preparing for my trip..
its great actually~ =) i can smile when i sleep tt means i feel satisfied with life.

chinese new yr was terrific. didnt do things very exciting but i suggested to my uncles that we go visiting since some of them moved to new places.

1st day was as usual every yr go to my grandma house for lunch then in the past we will go to tai gong house then also a godma's bungalow of my uncle at katong. but since last yr we stopping visiting as..both of them passed away already in 2004...together with my mother's father. my ah gong. it was sad but i wasnt close to tai gong nor that year see them once its like i've seen them 20 times to be exact. so the saddest is my ah gong's departure. cuz i see him more la..
so this year we only go grandma house for lunch then chat a while then go to my ah gong place(which now is my mother's brother).. we will sing nonsense there~! hahaa with my biao meis and uncles and aunties. with the birds parrots that my uncle rear at home. heehee... quite good to be there every yr. second day same thing we will go there. since my father is always working during new yr. we always go to my mother side~ hee.. we went to my auntie house at punggol too~! the flat is nice la.. can play with my nieces there..took pictures of them. will post up soon. and i realise every house i go there is a piano hahaha! cuz got kids ma..all learning.~ haha fun fun~ then 3rd day just went to watch huo yuan jia with my mom~ hee...nice show!

recently been busy at work... cos JAE is starting today! 10 of feb! bz with the websites...helping colleagues do some work... updating webpages... and i will be in charge of the singpass counter at JAE center...woot! must be v careful of mistakes... will be on duties tmr and mon till wed. its quite tiring as we habe to come earlier..cuz it starts at 8.30 and i dont wake up so easily = ='''

been busy catchin up with my piano pieces and theory too! and watching my drama...and also last minute stuff for my trip. i am tired but ok la. can relax once my trip date arrives haha... going to a couple of amei's new album promo events..happy! many places waiting for me to explore! haha..and going to meet some friends there too! lol me gonna read up my travelling guide b4 i go! woot! haha..that book i bought is fantastic!

some matters to settle b4 i go too...stupid contact lens dunno arrive already or not... will call them up! so long readers!

糖果亂言 Rantings 1:20:00 pm

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born: 1984年9月15日
location: Singapore新加坡

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pastEntries 舊文章_________
closing this part of my life
7 things.
interview mood went up when i ...
there is an interview tmr.i dont know why whenever...
last day @ SDC
1st time @ monsoon storm.
i took the WRONG bus home
i cried.
yeah right

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