- this week -
oh i just changed my taggie board this one got more chars so dont have to type in many messages.. but i saw cora posting the previous one.
so i came to write an entry as requested. update. keke
hmm.. this week i haven been meeting anyone except monday gg for the house of wax movie. without any anls workin with me its kinda sianz. lucky got my friend or else we all super sianz here alone in this "adult" world. ok back to house of wax. you know its not a ghost show so i dare to watch its horror like wad i heard from asos on tv they said they dare to watch serial killers and gross movies like those dig out your intestines thingy compared to ghost or spirit kinda movies like ju on or sadako samara because these are likely to happen more than you will enter a town and see all the people turn into wax. true right? hahaha more likely u will see a hand hang on your balconey or hair coming out from you running tap or even your mirror reflection talking to you rather than a man appearing behind you with a saw or a man cutting your fingers. hahahaha there i am babbling off about stupid stuff again. :P
house of wax is quite a good catch actually. even though i kept letting out "eeeksss, ohhh, awwww" kinda sounds cuz its really too exciting for me..haha my mood constantly being on the high side throughout the whole movie, cant imagine da S say that she thinks this kinda movie is black comedy...she laughed the whole movie!... especially when the handsome guy was turned into wax..and he cant speak..so he screeaaammmed inside like when he was in pain ..she laughed. i am amazed.
hmm.. so much so for that movie..oh. and paris hilton cant act. kekez.
then tue..ehs...i went home ba. cant remember. wed i went to kino to see see look look.. hoping to find the magazine i wanted but in the end i got fan xiao xuan's book

inside the book v small and is she compile wad she had "anyhow written" during her stage of depression. ok la i haven go and read it yet. thurs super sianz didnt want to go home. so i went walk around alone. went gramaphone, bought a second hand jay cd for brother. i was looking for those shops that sells taiwan or hongkong magazines, usually those shops that sells idols stuff. the one in taka moved to centrepoint..so i went to there walked so much...then found it has become a cd shop = =" and the man offered to help me get wad i want from taiwan. i didnt want to go through them cuz they sure will mark up the price and earn. then i wanted to find the house of stars shop moved to lucky plaza...so i went there lo..wa first time go to lucky plaza the higher levels...it was so ...eerie actually..inside there looked like the older version of queensway shopping center when all the shops are closed..i keep hearing things banging the metal gates even though the shop is closed maybe its wind ba. then i walked those place nobody dares to walk..a lot of pple looked at me walking around like mad woman hahaa..still cant find..weird pple..wanna move the shop to such places.. then i sick liaoz v tired...hungry so i went over to taka..hopin to get a sandwich..who knows when i passed by mango and other shops i started gg in to try on clothes hahahaa and then walked ard shopping..! didnt buy anything la but i got my sandwich then go home rest liaoz..
been v tired everyday..after wake up i v tired..i dunno why. i tot sleeping is supposed to replenish my energy? not waste my energy?...sleepy now..yawnz. still 5.5 hours left before i gg wala wala tonight with you guys. so tired.
oh yah i wanna wish jac a wonderful first flight! even though she wont be able to read this till she comes back cuz she flew off yesterday~ hahaa wish her all the best. her career there is picking up~ hopes she likes wad she is doin. and rach also get a nice job and be happy again. those gg Uni soon will have good luck too and those gg army hope they wont tired till peng san those still working just ehs work hard hahaha schooling de please get your butts on your chair and get good results, and those jobless get a job real soon. i know the process, its so stressful. <---see?? i v free now right? rubbish all i write are rubbish. byeee