Saturday, October 30, 2004

- some updates -


my second round audition went i say fine only, cuz i think its really difficult, got to 知道什麽時候下歌 還有什麽時候唱什麽 好像考試。。。完全不知情 不然怎麽叫做臨場反應考驗。。真是一邊場心裏一直在很專心所以好累,要注意歌喉要注意技巧 要注意伴奏 要注意歌詞 要注意他彈到哪裏? 完全是緊繃狀態 哇哈哈
唱完之後心裏立刻整塊石頭掉了下來松了很多口氣。。哈 還有那天麗蓮沒有來 突然好像沒有什麽安全感 可能是習慣有木船有麗蓮 哈所以囖我們蠻早就走了 因爲要早點回家要去吃東西 就醬結束了一個奇妙的一天

hmm.. now its the time to wait for the results of the second round, but this time i doubt i will get in but i will pray again! cuz its my dream to have singing as my job~hope 木船 will call me soon hehehehhee 成績快來吧~

自助餐@turf city

yesterday night went to the monthly dinner with colleagues to turf city to eat korean steamboat bbq buffet, the stuff same as marina south lar~ but yesterday, we had 3 tables then my table our steamboat bbq so successful! no burns on the aluminium, then the food cooked nicely also, so we had the mood to try using fish and beef to dip into the eggs and bbq fry them, the beef is nice but the beef there a lot of the veins or wat.. so hard to bite~ or it will be best dish haha, after buffet dunno why i will always feel nauseous, i think i cannot stand bbq's taste, but i didnt even eat a lot leh.. buay tahan.. lol so i buy sour prunes from 7-11. after that we went for a 3 hr KTV session @ party world~~, each 14 bucks, alright lar, i sang a few songs then got teased then we keep laughing and chatting also. quite fun night.

糖果亂言 Rantings 1:31:00 pm

Thursday, October 28, 2004

- Prison joke 哇哈哈 -

> > Just in case you ever got the two mixed up. This should make things a
> > bit clearer:
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON you spend the majority of your time in an 8 X 10 cell.
> > AT WORK you spend the majority of your time in a 6 X 8 cubicle.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON you get three meals a day.
> > AT WORK you only get a break for one meal and you pay for it.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON you get time off for good behavior.
> > AT WORK you get more work for good behavior.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
> > AT WORK you must carry around a security card and open all the doors
> > yourself.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON you can watch TV and play games.
> > AT WORK you get fired for watching TV and playing games.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON you get your own toilet.
> > AT WORK you have to share with some idiot who pees on! the seat.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON they allow your family and friends to visit.
> > AT WORK you can't even speak to your family.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON the taxpayers pay all expenses with no work required.
> > AT WORK you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they
> > deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON you spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out.
> > AT WORK you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside
> > bars.
> >
> >
> > IN PRISON you must deal with sadistic wardens.
> > AT WORK they are called managers.

糖果亂言 Rantings 1:32:00 pm

Thursday, October 21, 2004

- happy boom bee bee -

well i got into the second round of audition together with lixuan!!!!!!!! when i know this i was like wow??!~@@##O*%(#&$!!! yay!!!! i was speechless and ...woohoo!!!! so happy glad excited, OHMIGOD!!!! i'm gonna sing with the life band!!!!!!!!! wish me luck! god give me luck! buddha give me luck!!!!! 祝我自己幸運一條龍~!!!!!太屌了~!

糖果亂言 Rantings 3:07:00 pm

Sunday, October 17, 2004

- sky captain and the world of tomorrow -

i went to watch sky captain alone wor~ cuz qq cant make it to movie tonight and i dont wanna go far away to watch movie, so i decided to watch alone! hehehe, cuz the other shows.. those nice shows like shark's tale all that haven show yet, mus catch up with the current shows first ma hehe

anyway, sky captain and the world of tomorrow is a nice show, even though i think 80% are computer graphics. i needed some action and excitement to wake me up, boost energy so went to watch some action drama show woohoo! and its really quite exciting, all the machines bombing and smashing and walking around, flying shooting! all u name it~ then i think till a part they went to nepal or some place, then looks like jurassic park =_= with those dinosaurs hahaha buay ta han lar, all creatures!

so i had a wonderful evening by myself, and after the show i went to supermarket to get bread, cheese, ham, and ayam brand salmon spread! cool! next week's lunch leh, spend ard 8 bucks for those,hope its gonna be a thrifty week! perserverance *-*

糖果亂言 Rantings 11:09:00 pm

Saturday, October 16, 2004

- emode best quality quiz -

The fact that you're a funny person who is likely known for your great sense of humor really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're a caring and considerate person who is typically very loving, as well. You are psychologically and emotionally stable and better able than most people to tolerate even the roughest situations, too.In all, there are 15 qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 15 qualities.We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare — only 4 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.

try it out at

糖果亂言 Rantings 2:40:00 pm

Friday, October 15, 2004

- 木船試音audition @ the ark -

我覺得這次的試音,我們都進步很多。成績還沒出來耶 急死我了啦! 快打電話給我 呵~~當天緊張。但是上臺就不緊張了。還唱得很舒服,才安心了下來 :)還跟主持人聊了一下 竟然一點都不怕哦~ 可能是習慣了。很開心 :D

糖果亂言 Rantings 3:45:00 pm

Saturday, October 09, 2004

- i feel.. -

i feel lonely even though i have friends. i guess what people say about when u were born into this world, you are alone is true. you take of everything yrself. friends and family are just something extra but i find them important. without friends you wont have company, family will be the closest kin you have on this earth. friends. i find it hard to ..maintain a friendship? might be my own problem. just feel that its hard to not think the way my mind thinks, like when i want it this way but not everybody is doing it this way? i feel that the happy me is just a mask. a mask that i always wear when i go out when i communicate. i cant even convince myself that i am a sad person, because i guess i am 70% a very hyper happy person.. but deep inside me i dont feel happy? i dont know man.. what am i talking about.? 我看我還是用中文比較好。我覺得我是孤獨的人就是孤獨的。 是孤獨的面對這個世界,所發生的所有事務。我不知道我現在是在想什麼, 可能是想抒發一些感想吧..我不知道我是怎麼搞的 老是要把我自己這套 硬硬套在別人身上,我知道這樣做是不對的,但是我有何嘗是要去這樣的折磨別人?人人都沒有勉強我要做他們想要的, 可是為什麼會倒過來的 我潛意識裏面自然而然的會做出很...令自己看起來很糟糕的事情呢? 我有時候會突然討厭這個人,第二天又喜歡這個人,很變態,每一群朋友都變得很暫時性然後我就會把他們所有的缺點共出來《--好像我自己很好得像天使的樣子 完全會誤會別人的用意,亂來一些亂七八糟的思想出來催眠自己,難怪我表面上很多朋友,但是沒有什麼很知心的吧 有時候很羡慕別人有很close的朋友,我也有吧? 我每次都把他們看得很重 很知己但是不知道別人是不是這樣想結果橋梁越來越遠,越來越離自己的理想生活很遠, 我沒有毅力,又懶惰 又有一個爛嘴巴,還曾經被拿來當笑話的被整,被自己最重視的朋友群耍耶 滋味很不好受,我何嘗想要自己的爛嘴巴,這是骨子裏的注定了 怎麼改也不會有什麼效果的 只盼望不要傷到人就好. 其實在這裡說這些還有點不自在。就盼望你們看不懂這些繁體字最好。可能我要開一個私人日記不要讓任何人知道會比較安心的抒發情感吧... 看到自己原來這麼悲慘也有點驚訝,我不是每天都很開心的嗎?才怪勒 怎麼可能每天都笑哈哈的 別以為我是什麼都言語都可以承受的,我可是很敏感。。=_=表面上不在乎 心理已經是深深一道疤, 唉把自己的公開日記搞得這麼疆= ="" 我就立刻停止在這裡,說下去也沒完沒了.

糖果亂言 Rantings 11:50:00 pm

Friday, October 08, 2004

- Radio Blog -

the radio blog is so cool! i decided frm now onwards will record more of my own singing put it here hahaa, so fun!just click the song and it will play~ hee

i think the design of it also nice hehe

get it @

糖果亂言 Rantings 10:25:00 am

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

- Last week's nightmare. but its over. -

last week has been a nightmare ba.. took 2 days off frm Asknlearn to work on a freelance for ling's boss ivan. at first all was fine, actually i think its fine ba..i find it hard to work in group, hard to understand wat other people is thinking and get their picture, and let them get mine. for ivan i guess he wants exactly the way the sample frm that book, so i did for him.. it takes time loh.. it was a great relieve when its finally wednesday afternoon and i can get away frm this for an afternoon @ the singing competition. i went to Kster with lixuan in the afternoon with our voucher for practising plus warm up our voices. i didnt realise i guess deep down inside lixuan she is afraid or something. but she dont show,so as per normal when it was our turn to sing, we went up and it turns out i sing louder than lixuan. i guess shes afraid to show that she could sing. well i think her voice is better than me, but that night i guess she has been thru a lot, LIxuan dont worry, u will soon get over this one. we are all here to support u. but when we were to wait for the results..

i called tziming, not to realise they are actually only across the street opposite us.. so they came over..we chatted. but tziming started to voice out her points and about ivan.. all the things..(she cried).. i didnt know what to do also.. sometimes issit she think too much? ivan is bad lar..i know...he is very VERY irritating also.. keep calling us.. to see the samples. but didnt tell us he needs to show the client.. i tot only he wants to seee.. in the end still blame us nv send to him.. maybe we are still amateur so didnt know alot of common knowledge in freelance.. send to him means need to show client ba.. dunno lar.. anyway all went back to ling;s office there.. to think ivan still thinks theres nothing happening or what.. still continue ask us to show him. then we some sort of force him to sign a contract with us.. as we are insecure. but he drew up a contract that isnt worth a signature.. he has the rights to reject our work if its not up to standard.. so what is the standard??? its the book;s standard.. so i started to ask him about what i have done and ask if its up to standard. he said one of it is ok.. so i roughly guess i know what he wants and he will help us color. but i cant so it all alone!! cuz the deadline is on the next day! and its ard 1am while we were all at the office arguing over these matters. all these factors contributing to the disaster.. but tziming she was on fever and she is so worried about her work at the other place. so she decided she dont want to work on it anymore.. so hw can i work alone and face ivan alone???? ling is there with me but.. she cant help me either~ she has to continue work in everyday design for some time.. i dont wanna bother her also.. there was one point i was thinking of workin on it alone.. and let htm go..but... i was very tired also..dont feel like facing ivan all of us stared into space..even though the deadline is on the next day.. thurs..afternoon but.. i guess when ivan's angry.. he blurted out if we cant produce on time.. we have to continue work on friday.......... so what about our work at other companies.. i think he thought we no need to sleep.. this guy ar.. u treat him good .. he treats u like a dog or something.. no need sleep no need 24 hrs to produce work.. i guess he is like need to say liao..when tziming knows this thing might drag till friday.. its logical she cant.. she has to work there.. got deadline. mine still can.. but not responsible i still think if i were to work alone .. i might not even finish on friday..cuz of ivan's standard and demands are so high..duno if he can do it himself... realli.. buay tahan.. so after all the fighting silence staring arguing... ivan said : ok u all dont do .. and he walked out and call someone else.. so i decided to call my brother and ask him go to sleep.. cuz he is waiting to send me the files i brought wrong format.. but when i heard my mother;s voice.. i couldnt take it.. i cried .....................

haiz.. cried for a long time cant stop.. singing competition also didnt went in/freelance also money...sad.. then we sat outside near the office at citibank there and chatted loh..anyway no matter what also take cab liao.. so chat loh..for me is crying+chatting la.. so when it was time to go home.. i took a cab alone and then ling+htm took another cab.. i'm always the odd one out to stay in jurong.. felt sad to take alone, but i chatted with the taxi driver all the way back.. about taxi drivers being murdered.all those scary things and also why so many new companies of taxis.. then when i reached home.. i on my comp immediately.. cuz i want to chat with my hongkong friend to relieve my anger and disappointment.. but she is not online.. only to see ivan's MSN nick :"SCREWED!!!!!*$&*(#^*#&(*$&" .. was very sianz.. when i see this.. i tot he screwed us.. rich pple are liddat.. haiz..=_=

next day.. i woke up and dont even feel like opening my eyes.. too much has happened on wednesday. i decided to call my colleague and tell her i am delaying on more day.. so i stayed home on thursday.. but i went out to watch the terminal with ling in the evening.. and i was late for 45 minutes.. i guess in her heart she has already took a knife and killed me cuz she missed so much of the show..bad me.. i was so guilty that day.. haiz.. traffic jams and stuff..but i managed to seek help in downloading the movie..frm my hk friend.. i am so glad that i have known so many good friends frm fanclubs even though i haven seen them in real person~ there was once a member frm taiwan came to sg to tour and she called me on my phone~ the feeling is strange + woohoo! haha chatted a while then hang up le.. keke.. ling.. i was so sorry about thurs evening..>_< i wont do it again...

[ sorry people i wrote all these here because i want to write down my feelings..i'm not trying to bring back bad memories or what.. but i just need to express my feelings on my blog. ]

on friday i went back to asknlearn and one of the colleagues is leaving on that day.. she treated us to famous prata at pasir panjang for lunch and we all went.. the prata is very nice so many flavours.. like cheese, seafood, murturbak, tomato, banana, egg onion, a lot...... like indian pizza spree haha then we saw channel U's ah Ben filming his show for friday, shi2 zai4 hao3 chi1 then they filmed our table full of prata ahaha cuz we have a big group.. had a fun lunch that day~ but ate too much keke.. gals sometime we should visit any famous prata shop!! nice leh!

saturday i went to watch new police story with my mother in the afternoon keke, the show is surprising nice, didnt expect it to turn out that well with the effects and stunts stories emotions.. i just felt kind of touched that we ASIANS can produce such good quality movie~ we can fight with the hollywood le..! nice go JACKIE CHAN!

糖果亂言 Rantings 10:02:00 am

profile 檔案________________

born: 1984年9月15日
location: Singapore新加坡

blog things 部落格物件______

pastEntries 舊文章_________
closing this part of my life
7 things.
interview mood went up when i ...
there is an interview tmr.i dont know why whenever...
last day @ SDC
1st time @ monsoon storm.
i took the WRONG bus home
i cried.
yeah right

archives 檔案庫____________
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October 2004

November 2004

December 2004

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